12 - First Day

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A/n: Thank you so much for the comments yesterday. Reading your reactions to the story made me really happy, so please don't stop commenting :)

Everyone landed their eyes on the Eggnoid as soon as she entered the building. And just like anyone would feel, Hanni was anxious. Why were people staring at them? And it wasn't just one or two people; everyone stopped their conversations and glued their gazes toward the two girls' direction.

Hanni didn't blame them, though. Minji was in fact charming. Anyone who were to be in her presence from a mile away could see that. But even then, it didn't make the situation any better as she was the one walking with the robot. Meaning that everywhere she looked, all eyes would gaze at her.

Despite the nerve wracking atmosphere, Minji acted cool. She didn't spare time to look at anywhere else but forward. She knew that it was a little odd for humans to stare at a stranger simultaneously, but she couldn't care less. Meanwhile, Hanni felt the upcoming panic attack leave her body when a hand approached hers, signalling to hold it. She looked up at the robot and found her already gazing down at Hanni. The human's heart fluttered at Minji's gesture. She took her hand and softly smiled at the robot as the they quietly made their way to the lecture hall.

If there was one thing that Hanni could wish for at the moment, it would be for people to completely ignore her presence. She never liked public attention, and it had been pretty obvious since the day she entered kindergarten.

Hanni was a new student who enrolled in the middle of the school year. At the time, the little girl had no idea that it was going to be her biggest fear for the rest of her life.

As she entered her assigned classroom, she remembered the things that her dad had taught her. To be polite, and quietly make her own way to her seat. But as she was on her way to do that, a woman who seemed to be the teacher, quickly shouted to the children to stop their activities and to turn their attention towards the new girl. Right then, Hanni felt her heart racing. Pairs of eyes -- numerous of them -- locked with hers. What started as a complete silence, turned into murmurs. The children started whispering to one another's ears as they gave her dirty looks.

Those eyes, they looked like the devils. None of them were red, but they sure pierced right through the little girl's bone.

Less than a minute later, ringings made their way into her ears whilst her throat closed shut. Her eyes began to redden and well up as her chest uncontrollably exploded. The girl managed to keep it inside by not making a sound, but not even adults could control a panic attack.

The teacher shouted her name several times when she ran out and found herself a library to hiccup and sob at. Her energy was all wasted -- hence why her father found her asleep on a bean bag next to the bookshelves in the corner, after the teacher informed him of the previous event.


Not one person who knew Little Hanni would've expected her to adopt a condition as such. She was such a brave and courageous little girl. She wanted nothing but to overcome any sorts of challenges that had the audacity to make their way in front of her. Who knew that a single memory from childhood could have such a long term trauma on one's life?

As the two girls entered the hall, Hanni quickly scanned through it. She pulled Minji's hand to follow her after finding the girls.

They walked in between groups of people to make their way and once again, all eyes were on them.

Unlike every other day, Hanni decided to sit at a table with two empty seats instead of taking one next to Danielle. The three girls in front of her chosen desk followed her every move despite the fact that they might had just broken their necks. Upon noticing this, Minji whispered in her owner's ear, "Why are they doing that?"

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