3 - Attached

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She stared at the ceiling, contemplating her life decisions. What has she gotten herself into? Not only did she find her now ex boyfriend kissing another man, but she also got her privacy harassed by an egg robot who was supposedly the same age as she was. Was this her parents' doing? Were they pulling a prank on her from the skies? But like every other Eggnoid, Minji had a series number and came out of an egg robot. There was no way that this wasn't a misdelivery, that's for sure.

Instead of going to sleep, Hanni decided to grab her phone which is in the form of a fitbit. She faced her hand towards her and shaped it as if she were holding a physical thing. Soon, a bright light appeared from her hand but then adjusting to the room's brightness to make sure that the owner's eyes didn't hurt.

The girl never really liked holographic phones considering that they aren't as satisfying to use, although they're more convenient. Only very few people still use the old models, the ones that are actually shaped like a phone. But without the holographic phone, Hanni wouldn't be able to measure her blood sugar digitally, and that was something that she couldn't sacrifice for some satisfaction.

Although she has been cutting off sugar from her diet to make her appear fitter, -- and she did -- her condition was failing rapidly.

But who was going to stop her?

When she was still a teenager, her parents promised that they would cure her condition once she turned 16 as a birthday gift. Well, that was unfortunate wasn't it? Dying a year before they could even grant her that.

Curing such a condition was possible nowadays, the only thing was that it costed a lot of money. Even though the girl is under the care of her crazy rich aunt and her husband, Hanni could never ask for such things. The two had done way too much for her ever since they practically took her to their home. Not only that, none of them knew about Hanni's condition as her parents decided to keep it a secret, though she never knew why. Having a low blood sugar was a pretty known and well treated condition, so why would they shut their mouths about it?

Still, Hanni was an obedient girl and took her parents' request of keeping her mouth shut. They must've had their reasons.

Surprisingly, Hanni had looked really healthy ever since she stopped adding sugar into her diet. Although she had been experiencing dizziness at certain times. But it was going to have to take more for her to finally give up. She wanted to challenge her condition to see how long she could survive without having to depend on some processes snacks.

Hanni couldn't remember the last time she went to a doctor other than her private family doctor, Jake. He started off working for Hanni's family ever since she was little. The man only had two other customers as he was a high ranked doctor. Knowing Jake, he knew how to keep his mouth shut, as long as there was money of course. He was originally going to quit working for Hanni after her parents died, but Hanni's aunt decided that it would be the least that she could do for her niece. Money had always been an easy thing to gain for her and her husband anyway, so hiring Jake annually only costed about 1/3 of their daily income.

Hours passed and the girl was still staring at her ceiling, drowning in her thoughts.

At least she had her own space now since Minji wad told to sleep on the couch. C'mon, it wasn't a cruel thing to tell a guest, right? The sofa was super comfortable, even Hanni herself had slept on it before while watching movies. Then why did she feel guilty?

She shook it off. Minji will survive.

"H- Hanni?"

Or not.

What was the Eggnoid doing?

She walked up the stairs to the loft in search of her dearest owner. When she finally reached it, the shorter girl was already sitting up. Hanni furrowed her eyebrows, "Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" She asked.

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