4 - Undercover

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The bell rung loudly, marking the end of school. Everyone, including the teachers were rushing to get out of the buildings, looking forward to their planned activities; either it be spending time with their loved ones or having a relaxing alone time.

Of course, Hanni was looking forward to the first option. Indeed, she had been dreading to see a specific someone.

Sure, she had been expecting the Eggnoid, but what she wasn't expecting was the fact that Minji was sitting in front of the fridge, eating cabbage. Yes, a full sized cabbage. Raw.

Hanni instantly ran towards the girl after opening the door, trying to stop her because it might give her a disease since the cabbage was most likely not have been washed. "Minji!" She yelled out, causing Minji to drop the cabbage.

"What are you doing?!" Hanni asked and kneeled in front of the girl to grab the cabbage from her lap and put it on the kitchen counter.

"Minji was hungry."

Right, Hanni forgot to prepare food for her. How could she be so careless? Of course Minji was going to starve at home.

Hanni examined the cabbage to find multiple bite marks right through each layer. Hang on, did Minji bite through the whole cabbage?!

Upon realising what the girl did, Hanni immediately went over to Minji and cupped her face. She then opened Minji's mouth using her thumbs, checking for any blood or bruises on her gums. "Does your teeth hurt?"

The girl didn't reply, she probably didn't know what the word 'teeth' meant. When Hanni lightly pressed on her fangs, she shut her eyes tightly and whimpered in pain at the feeling. Yep, that should answer it.

The shorter girl quickly removed her thumbs, "I'm so sorry, that must've hurt."

When Minji opened her eyes, the tears in them were quite evident, but none of it dropped. Instead, she stared deeply into Hanni's ones and nodded at her question. 

The two girls made a lengthy eye contact before helping each other to stand up. Hanni guided Minji to the couch and left her for a while to rest before coming back with a hot pack. At first, she thought of grabbing a cold pack instead but then realised that it would only worsen Minji's stinging teeth.  

She sat on the couch next to the Eggnoid and softly placed the hot pack on her lower left cheek. "Here, lightly dab it on each side of your cheeks. It will help with the pain."

Surprised by the warmth, Minji hesitantly grabbed the other girl's hand that held the hot pack, making sure her hand stayed where it was intended to be. Hanni blushed furiously when Minji didn't let her go. As clueless as the Eggnoid was, the amount of times in which she'd been able to make the human's heart rush was quite crazy.  

Deep down, Hanni was seriously questioning her sanity. How could she fall for a robot?!

This needed to stop.

"Minji?" She spoke.


God, she couldn't contain her blush anymore. How come everything Minji did was always so attractive and cute at the same time? She was only saying Hanni's name, it wasn't such a big deal. Yeah. . . It wasn't.

"You're supposed to hold the hot pack, not my hand." She pointed at the blue item on Minji's cheek.

Minji blinked twice, then turning her gaze to the hot pack. Right, there was a hot pack indeed, she'd forgotten. But the human was a gift to her eyes, how could she not? The more she focused her gaze on her owner, the more she could identify the small details and features of Hanni's face. But the weird thing was that the more she looked at her, the more attached she got.  In fact, Minji wasn't sure if the warm feeling in her chest was artificially designed. 

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