6 - Thoughts

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Nothing was working out for Hanni these days. Absolutely nothing.

For starters, she noticed that her housekey was chipped -- God knows why --, which was the reason to why her door was unlocked. Then, she noticed that the Eggnoid had raised the electricity bill due to her non-stop screen time. Minji even admitted that every time Hanni would leave her alone in the house, she'd turn on the TV for the sole purpose of avoiding the void of silence.

But were robots even meant to do that? Hanni was sure that Minji was only using that as an excuse and absorbed all of the electricity in the building for her own benefit instead. It might sound ridiculous to others, but Hanni had never believed in Eggnoids. Even if Eggnoids did have their own consciousness, they weren't meant to have a soul anyway. And those said soulless creatures had done nothing but take away everything Hanni had, including her own mother.

Everyone tried to cover up the truth, even her own aunt. But the Vietnamese girl was a clever one. She knew that something was off with her mother's death. 'Sickness' they said, 'Mrs. Pham died from a heart disease' they said. Let's just say those people weren't slick enough. Because never in Hanni's fifteen years of living, had she ever seen her mother show any signs of such a condition.

So the girl started digging for information, she even dared to look through Jake's folders to find out the truth behind her mother's incident. Turned out, she was right.

When she came across one file which had a picture of her mother's brain, she knew instantly. The whole entire time, the woman had a chip inside of her brain; everything seemed off to Hanni for a split second until she read another file which had her mother's healthcare information. It was a shock, finding out that the woman had installed a chip in her brain to help her survive leukemia.

However, the picture of the woman's brain was clear enough for Hanni to see the familiar logo that was carved into the chip.


Everyone knew that a company like that held power over everything -- including the Government. This meant that although the company provided privacy for its customers, people's data could still be used against them.

Hanni didn't know this for sure, but she came to the conclusion that the company must've cut off the woman's access to her brain chip. Obviously, if this happened, it would mean one thing, that is the company assassinated her. But everything that happens must have a reason right? And so Hanni remembered the time when her mother used to take her to her lab and show Hanni what she'd been working on for the past years.

Little Hanni had no idea what the woman explained to her, to make matters worse, she refused to give further explanations. Until this day, that specific project had always haunted her.

Was it the reason that led to her mother's death? Possibly assassination?

If only she could find more evidence. If only she'd paid more attention.


Like most nights, Hanni would spend some time sitting on the balcony of her flat. It had clear panels that allowed her to watch the city from above. It was truly one of her favourite views to admire. It would be a shameful thing for the girl to admit but she liked how drones filled the air, delivering packages. While most people would be pretty annoyed by the sight, Hanni liked to observe them. Every time, it would remind her thst the world will always keep spinning and going no matter what; that people will continue to live their lives, even if Hanni's was crumpling.

It gave her a sense of comfort; to know that the things that were happening to her were never going to affect the world. She was glad that at least others wouldn't have to experience her sorrows.

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