Chapter 2

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Hey my lovely's! How's it going. Lovely cliffhanger I left you on. Who shot the arrow? That's for you to find out.

An arrow. I didn't do archery, much less have a quiver or bow. This was a solo mission. I froze, straining my ears, but couldn't pick up anything. This worry's me, seeing the S.S.S has trained all their spy's to have very good hearing. 

Before I could blink, something flew down from the roof. I watched as black and white blurred together. Within two seconds, Michael Schmitz lay on the floor, face down, dead, surrounded by a pool of blood. I stared at the person in front of me. It was a female spy, and definitely didn't work for the S.S.S. She had one foot on Michael's back, while she just polished her dagger, which looked exactly like mine. 

It took a second to take her in. She looked my age. She was wearing a black suit, like mine. The sleeves and leg covering had a snake skin look, but all black. She had what looked like many pockets, most of them holding weapons. She had a bow and quiver slung over her shoulder. She had brown skin, the color of milk chocolate, and shiny black hair, which was pulled into a pony tail, except for two strands hanging down on either side of her face. Her eyes were brown, but gold around the edges. But what startled me most was a little creature in the in one of the pockets on her stomach. A kitten, about the size of a fist, was sitting in the pocket, like it did that everyday. It was grey, with black spots, like a leopard. The spy wore a black mask that covered the lower part of her face. She had the mysterious logo close to her heart, and one on her mask. I'm pretty sure I've seen that logo before, but I can't place it.

She looked up and only then seemed to notice me. She slipped her dagger in her pocket, and threw the rag down on Michael's face. She started walking towards me, and I had the sense to back away. 

But she wasn't coming for me. She walked towards the balcony railing, and gracefully jumped on to it, and faced me. She managed to stay balanced, even making it look easy, even though the rail was only, like, half a inch thick. Her eyes crinkled into a smile and then she spread out her arms, and fell backwards. 

I quickly ran over to the edge, looking down anxiously. I wasn't gonna lose this person. But I saw a black hang glider, bearing the mysterious logo, flying in the direction of the sun. So, without thinking I "gracefully" jumped over the edge, and ejected my hang glider, and followed the mysterious spy. 

I Fell in Love with a SpyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora