Chapter 5

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I stared in shock as Makaylah quickly returned Tyler's hug. What was going on? Tyler let go and faced us, one arm around Makaylah's waist.

"Aaron, I told you about how Agent Tiger disappeared after our last battle. Well, meet Tyler, or known as Agent Tiger." Makaylah said.

"Remember how I showed up around 5 years ago? And I was the best spy here. That's because I was with The Felines. You would ask me who my family is, and I would tell you I had two brothers, and a sister. I told you they died. I thought Makaylah had died. But I see I am know mistaken." Tyler said, tightening his grip around  Makaylah.

I felt a sudden pang of jealousy in my gut. But I quickly shrugged it off.

I introduced Makaylah to all of my teammates. Then our leader walked in. Joy Santellan, age 39. deadly, do not mess with. Whatever you do, always call her Ms. Santellan. Her combat boots clicking against the tiled floor. She faced Makaylah and sized her up. 

"Come with me." She said, gesturing for Makaylah to follow her. The rest of us followed. I saw Averie snicker, and I knew why. Ms. Santellan would always challenge the newbies to a hand to hand combat. First one to get pinned loses. No one has beat her so far. We followed them into the boxing room. Makaylah and Ms. Santellan climbed into the rink, pulled on some gloves, and took there positions. Ms. Santellan threw a punch, but Makaylah dodged it with ease. The fight went on. Soon, Makaylah had Ms. Santellan pinned on the ground. We all stared in shock. Even Ms. Santellan looked suprised. Makaylah helped Ms. Santellan up, and Ms. Santellan again sized Makaylah up.

"Your in." She said.

I cheered, and the others followed my example, except Averie. Makaylah climbed out of the rink, a smile on her face. 

The next day...

It was lunch, and the whole organization had gathered in ginormous cafeteria. There was about 600 of us. Like I said, ginormous cafeteria. I noticed Makaylah looking at the group board, which held the group names and members. My face mirrored Makaylah's surprised one, because as I looked at my teams list, Makaylah's name was already on it, and after never having a leader, she was put in the leader position, and I was second in command.

It read... (I'll put their real names next to their code name)


Agent Leopard (Makaylah) 

Known for her speed, agility, grace, quick thinking, stealth, archery, hand to hand combat, hacking skills, and to never fail missions.

Second in Command

Agent Eagle (Aaron)

Known for his speed, quick thinking, agility, hacking skills and hand to hand combat.


Agent Tiger (Tyler)

Known for his speed, brutality, archery, hand to hand combat, not to ever failing missions, and hacking skills.

Agent Snake (Averie)

Known for her stealth, speed, and hand to hand combat.

Agent Shark (Nicholas) 

Known for his brutality, hand to hand combat, and agility.

Agent Scorpion (John)

Known for his agility, grace, archery, hacking skills, and to always kill without hesitation.

I grabbed my food and sat down at our usual table, and everyone followed my lead. Well, except Makaylah. She sat at the table that's always empty. I wanted to go sit with her, but just then, Averie sat unnaturally close to me. I locked eyes with John, and he gave me the tiniest of head nods. 

"Hey Averie." John said, winking at me, giving me the go signal. "I heard you and Aaron are dating?" I silently slipped out of my seat and moved to the table Makaylah was sitting at, and soon Tyler and Nicholas followed. Averie didn't notice, and had her full attention on John. 

"Oh no, we're not, but maybe we could give it a chance, don't you think Aaron?" She said, scooting closer to the edge of the table, probably trying to scoot next to the non-existent me. She kept on scooting towards the end, even when John had gone to joined our table. I wonder if she noticed anyone was gone. When she was about to fall of the table, Makaylah's shoulders were shaking, probably with silent giggles. Nicholas had gone under the table, and when I checked, he was silently cracking up. John's face had gone red from holding his laughs. And Tyler had also turned red, his cheeks puffed out, silently banging his fist against the table. I had to admit, my shoulders were also shaking. Just a tiny bit. Maybe a little more than a tiny bit.

Finally Averie realized half of her was hanging of the side of the table. She looked around for us, finally spotting us. It was so funny how all of our minds thought alike. Me and Makaylah immediately struck up a fake conversation about her cat. Nicholas pretended to eat his lunch, and John and Tyler started a game of rock, paper, scissors. Averie then silently sat down at our table, like nothing happened. 

And then Makaylah giggled.

And Tyler snorted.

Then I coughed.

John turned red.

And Nicholas ducked under the table.

Soon we were all in fits of giggles, except Averie, who looked us with a confused face. I looked at Makaylah, politely talking to Averie, shoulders shaking occasionally, because Tyler and  Nicholas were tickling her under the table. She finally burst out laughing, and Tyler and Nicholas jumped out from the table, and a tickle war started. The other table picked this up, and soon the whole cafeteria was giggle, all 600 of them, and it was then I knew life with Makaylah was going to be interesting.

In a good way.

I Fell in Love with a SpyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin