Chapter 11

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In this chapter, I'm going to do the POV's of all the members of The Call of the Wild, do that you know what they are doing, and how they feel about the fight.

Once the trainees were set up, our group split off, standing in our positions, in between our trainees. Not a noise could be heard. Everyone was in their position. I heard a little beep in my ear. At the time, I thought it was nothing.

Until a few minutes later, the beeping increased. The Call of the Wild looked around, confusion written on our faces. Even a few trainees nervously glanced around.

Then the front hall exploded.


Makaylah POV

The force of the explosion hit me, and I was thrown back. The smoky air clouded my vision, turning everything a foggy grey. I stumbled to my feet, blood pounding in my ears. The taste of blood tinged my lips. Smoke clogged my nose, making it hard to breath. My vision cleared, and I saw that everyone was alive. The trainees got back into their positions, while the rest of us rushed into the build to do what we were trained to do.


As soon as I entered the building, I was immediately in battle. A white cloaked figure ran at me, swinging his sword. I quickly sidestepped, and swiped at his neck. The figure fell to the ground, motionless. I ran further into the building, to find the real chaos happening. I was fighting enemy after enemy, all of them dropping to the floor like rag dolls. I felt myself thinking of Aaron, and I let out a primal roar, pleading that all my teammates were alive. I had just sent out The Call of the Wild. 

I was going to fight for my friends.

My family.

My life.

I was going to fight for love.

Aaron POV

Three figure jumped onto me, and I was overwhelmed. I blindly swung my dagger, trying to hit as many as I could. 

The first one dropped dead.

Then the next.

Finally, the last one fell to the floor, his eyes bulging, mouth open, blood trickling down his chin. But just as soon as I had finished, I was back into the fight. They kept on coming, and I didn't know if I was going to make it out of this one alive. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I thought of the idea of never seeing Makaylah again. I bit my lip, anger filling every inch, of my body. I heard a noise echo from down the hall, and I recognized the sound. The Call of the Wild. I raised my head and howled with the sound, and then leaped into battle.

I was going to fight for my friends.

My family.

My life.

I was going to fight for love.

Tyler POV

I whirled through the fight, like a tornado. I slashed at anyone in a white cloak. Soon  I was back to back with Nicholas. His eyes were filled with hate and grief, and I felt my own heart tighten. The thought of everyone we might have lost weighed my heart down. I felt my hand grip my dagger. A yell echoed from somewhere close, and I immediately recognized it as our teams call. To make sure we were still alive and fighting. I yelled, making it known I wasn't going down till the end.

I was going to fight for my friends.

My family.

My life.

I was going to fight for everyone I had loss.

Nicholas POV

I turned in a full, circle, cutting my sword across numerous body's. My arms were covered in gashes and bruises. A open wound ran across my thigh, making standing painful. But I took all that pain and stuffed it into a box. I thought about how I was originally a orphan. How my mother, father, and younger brothers had died in a earthquake. I remembered how the S.S.S. had welcomed me. I heard a cry echo from somewhere near, and I heard Tyler yell in reply. I immediately let out a primal roar, to signify I was still alive and in the fight. 

I was going to fight for my friends.

My family.

My life.

I was going to fight for my home.

John POV

I shot arrow after arrow, watching rows of enemy soldier topple like dominos. Fresh tears rolled down my cheeks as I thought of the future I had hoped to have. I had imagined I would stay friends with the gang. I had hoped that Makaylah and Aaron would end up together. I had hoped that I would be a uncle someday. I had hoped I would close my eyes for good one day, knowing I had lived life at its best. A call echoed in my ears. I listened closely, and by the tone of voice, I guessed it was Makaylah's voice. I wiped my tears and howled in response, my call mixing with four others. 

I was going to fight for my friends. 

My family. 

My life.

I was going to fight for my future.

Avery POV

My hand moved like it had a mind of its own, taking down enemy soldiers with just a swipe of my hand. I heard the satisfying thump of their body's hitting the floor. I my ears prickled, and a yell hit my ears. The Call of the Wild. I felt my eyes well with tears of joy as four other cry's mingled with the first one. I called out, telling them I was ok. That I was fighting. For them.

I was going to fight fir my friends.

My family.

My life.

I was going to fight for my teammates.

Makaylah POV

I was in the a almost deserted corridor. I found myself in combat with a enemy soldier. They were very good, matching my skills. I glanced to my side, and I saw Aaron fighting another soldier. I wanted to cry out in relief. He was alive. I took a dangerous swipe, and they dropped to the floor, their eyes glazed over. I took a second to breath. 

But then I felt a stabbing pain in my gut. I heard Aaron cry out. I looked down to find a pale hand holding a dagger to my stomach. I slowly lifted my hand, and stabbed the person behind me. I felt a joy as they fell to the floor, and then I crumbled. 

Ok, the end! No no no jk jk! Don't kill me! 

Aaron POV

I was in a fight with a enemy, and I saw Makaylah fighting someone else in the same room. I felt myself sigh in relief, knowing she was alive. But then I saw Jack, the British Mafia boss, creep up behind her.

"No!" I cried quickly stabbing the person I was currently fighting, and leaping towards Makaylah. But it was too late. Jack raised his dagger, so sickeningly alike mine, and stabbed Makaylah in the stomach. I felt tears gush down my cheeks as Makaylah's back arched. I saw her grit her teeth, slowly pull her arm back, and stab Jack. He fell to the ground, his eyes wide. But I didn't care that he had died. I didn't care that every single enemy was dead. I didn't care that everyone was celebrating. I saw John, Nicholas, Tyler, and Averie run to Makaylah. Their faces changed from confusion, to shock, to determination. I didn't even care about that. I only cared that Makaylah was dying. I scooped up Makaylah into my arms. 

Her wound was deep. So close to so many vital organs. I ripped a piece of cloth from Jacks's cloak, and used that to pressure Makaylah's wound. My heartbeat screeched to a halt when I felt her pulse. It was slowing down, and her breathing was ragged.

 I sprinted to the infirmary, which, thankfully, was still intact. I lay her down on a cot and called over one of the medics. He hurried over.

"Can you help her?" I asked, my voice breaking.

The doctor swallowed. "I-yes." He said, determination setting into his face. He stuck out his hand.

"My names Elwin." He said.

"Nice to meet you Elwin. My names Aaron." I said, shaking his hand. He immediately pulled on a pair of iridescent glasses, then set to work on Makaylah.

Word count:1353. New record! Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!  

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