Chapter 8

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Hey peeps!

*gives everyone a second to cringe at my greeting*

How's the story so far? Hope it's good! Go check out my other books similar to this one. One is called Explorers, the other is Love Under the Moonlight. Now onto the next chapter.

Our group formed a tight circle, back to back. We were outnumbered.

"There's 36 of them." Makaylah whispered. Great, 36 to 6. We watched, paralyzed, as a cloaked figure in the front pulled down his hood. He looked about our age. I felt Makaylah press her thumb into my wrist, but I didn't understand why. 

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the famous Call of the Wild. What pleasure do I have of meeting you here?" The man said. I heard John let out a sigh of relief, and I felt like doing the same. He didn't know we had the scrolls

"Oh! I'm sorry, didn't mean to be rude. My name is Jack. I'm the British Mafia Boss. But you are being unpleasant by not showing me your faces. So let's see them, shall we?" Jack said. Just then, a gust of wind blew through the facility, knocking off all of our hoods. I saw so many emotions flash through Jack's face as he stared at Makaylah. Surprise, shock, anger, lust, curiosity, and then gleeful hate. 

"Well if it isn't Makaylah." Jack said. He walked forward, reaching out to touch her cheek, but she flinched, and I slapped his hand away. 

"How do you know who she is." I asked, venom dripping in my voice.

"Oh, we were childhood friends. We were friends until my dads mafia killed The Felines. Actually I don't think she knows this, but my dad was the one who set her biological family's house on fire, because her parents worked for the S.S.S." Jack said. Tyler let out a roar, and tried to attacks Jack, but John and Nicholas held him back. I glanced at Makaylah, and I saw a tear roll down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away.

I was surprised, hearing that Makaylah's parents had belonged to the S.S.S, but then I remembered Agent Alligator and Agent Crocodile, who I had heard stories about. They had died at a young age, but they were two of the greatest spies in S.S.S history. 

"We can take them." John whispered. Averie slightly nodded her head in agreement

"I'm taking Jack." Makaylah snarled. I looked over at her again, and I saw cold, black hate filling her eyes. I held up my fingers behind my back, a silent go, and then we all sprung into action. 

Makaylah POV

My brain went back into autopilot as I leaped at Jack. His father had killed both of my family's, what was worse, was that he had been at the Italian Mafia battle. He was the one who had shot the arrow at me. Alex had died because of Jack, that son of a gun. 

Kick, duck, swipe, duck

Jack nicked my cheek, but i kept on fighting 

Punch, jump, stab, step.

Then Jack disappeared, and I found myself fighting a different enemy. After what felt like hours, but was probably minutes, almost all of the enemy operatives lay on the floor. Jack and a few others had gotten away. I had taken out almost half of the enemy's, so I was the most battered up. The gash across my cheek was bleeding, and I had a long cut running from my shoulder to my elbow, but thankfully the others weren't hurt besides a few cuts here and there. We scaled down the cliff and drove back to the S.S.S. Headquarters. We had completed our mission.

But now we were in for the scariest day of our lives.

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