Chapter 9

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Another mission.

We're on another mission.

I, again, suited up, and met Makaylah and Tyler in the hallway. John then walked in a minute later. The four of us were going to steal a game changing blueprint from the British Mafia. Averie and Nicholas were not told about the mission because Ms. Santellan thought they couldn't handle it. And also the she only wanted the best spy's available to go.

We all piled into The Hawk, Makaylah and me sitting in the front, while Tyler and John sat in the back. We drove in silence, except for Makaylah checking her pockets for numerous weapons, like throwing stars, and throwing knives. 

We hid the car, then again started to scale the cliff, easier now that we knew foothold locations. We crept to the side entrance instead of the original entrance we first went through, seeing that it was now heavily guarded. 

"We each take out 2 guards." Makaylah whispered. We all nodded in agreement. Then all Hades broke lose. Makaylah took out her first guard by shooting him with an arrow. Her second one went down by her slitting their throat. Tyler took out both of his guards using a dagger. I took out my guards by a few well placed gashes. But John took his out in the most unique way. 

He snapped their necks.

Never get on John's bad side.

We snuck into the building, and stuck to the left wall. We passed a boy, about 19 years old, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a scar running from under his eye to his mouth.  (Luke 😭), sharing a map with a girl. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me, because I swear her hair was on fire. We quietly made it to the planning room. Makaylah and John gently pulled a giant blueprint off of the wall. They rolled it up and stuffed it into a capsule. 

We silently made our way out of the facility. But when we passed the boy and his companion, he was looking straight at Makaylah. He slowly grinned, and then winked. Makaylah flushed, and I glared at the boy. He glanced at his companion, then raised a eyebrow at me.

 I glared some more. 

He raised his eyebrow higher.

I grumbled, grabbed Makaylah's hand, and we took off. We made it out of the facility. We jumped into The Hawk and quickly drove back to the facility. We were greeted by Nicholas and Averie,

"We already know." Nicholas assured us. We hurried back into the meeting room, we're we met Ms. Santellan. 

"Show me." Ms. Santellan said. We laid out the blueprint, and we all gasped in shock. The blueprint showed a map of the S.S.S. Facility. Spy quarters, training rooms, and other important areas were labeled code names. Arrows pointed to various entrances. But the most terrifying thing was the title, in big, bold letters.

Destroy the S.S.S.

Guys, here me out. You don't need to kill me yet. 

So sorry about the cliffhanger, but I had to channel my inner Shannon Messenger. How's the books so far? Hope it's good. I'll try and update as soon as I can.


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