Chapter 3

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Hey! So please listen to the song above, because it's really good. Also it comes up in this chapter.

I followed her, careful to keep a good distance. She glided along the treetops, heading towards a familiar city. It was the city I lived in. She silently landed on a apartment roof, and I touched down on the roof behind her. Out of a backpack I didn't notice before, she pulled out a pink sweatshirt. She slipped it on, and she looked like a normal lady wearing a mask, with really weird leggings. She descended the stairs, and I quickly looked around for stairs too. But all I found was a ladder going down the side of the building. Hey, I'll take what I can get. I quickly scrambled down, making sure I don't lose her. From my own backpack I pulled out my own red hoodie. I quickly hurried to catch up to her, but I made sure I wasn't too close. She made many turns, and I could feel we were getting close to my house. 

Soon we were on my street. She walked right up to my house, but instead, she walked to the house next to it. She set down her cat, which rubbed against her leg, purring. I silently slipped into the shadows, carefully hiding between a tree and the hedgerows. She pulled out a key and unlocked her door, the cat following her inside. 

I quickly pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and scribbled the spy a note.

It said


Who are you? 

Call me 

And I put scribbled in my phone number. I dropped the note on her doorstep. I knocked, then ran back to my original spot. She opened the door, and I could hear her singing a song I new. It was called House of Gold.

She asked me son when I grow old, will you buy a house of gold

And when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me

She plucked up the note and started to read it. She looked up and started to scan her yard, still singing House of Gold. Her eyes once darted to my exact location, but quickly looked somewhere else. Finally she narrowed her eyes at something to my right. I craned my neck to see what it was, but I couldn't see anything. 

But when I turned my attention back to the spy, she was gone. I looked around, but couldn't find anything.

"Aaron Lee, age 23, S.S.S spy, code name Eagle, what are you doing on my property?" 

I slowly turned my head to find the spy casually flipping her dagger with incredible speed and grace. She had her eyes trained on me, but I could see her full face now that her mask was off. 

How I imagine the spy

How I imagine the spy

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"Who are you?" I asked, realizing how beautiful the spy actually was.

"Makaylah Walker, age 22, been training as a spy since I was 3. My code name? You guess. Trained like a S.S.S. spy, though better. Known for speed, agility, grace, stealth, and tendency never fail my missions." She said, her eyes boring into me, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Why are you telling me all of this" I asked, realizing she had told me a lot of information.

"Because if you try to tell anyone this information without my consent, I'll slit yours and whoever you told's throat." She stated, nonchalantly.

"Okaayy. So, who do you work for?"

Makaylah's eyes turned stormy, and she turned her attention to her dagger. "Five years ago, my whole organization went on our most dangerous mission yet. Their was only four of us, but we were the deadliest spy's in the world. Our mission was to single-handedly take down the Italian Mafia. Our oldest operative, Connor Wang, went down 2 hours into the fight, but not before taking out 53 of the enemy soldiers. Another operative, Alex Zhang, went down saving me from a arrow. But he took down 49 soldiers. Another operative, Tyler Chu, disappeared after the battle, his body was never found, but he took out 44 soldiers. I still have hope he is alive. I took down the Italian Mafia boss, and 63 other soldiers. We completed our mission, but not before I lost my whole family. They were like my brothers, and losing them had been the hardest thing for me. Now I'm a solo operative, still working in our organizations name."

I racked my brain for information. Five years...died...Italian Mafia. The pieces started to fit together in my brain, and everything clicked. "Five years ago, the Italian Mafia was taken  down by a well known spy society. The Felines. Five years ago, two of those operatives died. Agent Cheetah and Agent Lion. But there were two more spy's. They were supposed to be secret, because they were three years younger, and Agent Cheetah didn't want them to get attacked. But word got out anyway. Agent Tiger and Agent Leopard. Agent Tiger was never sent on a mission again, so everyone assumed he was dead. But another spy has been going around and aiding the S.S.S. in all there missions. Your Agent Leopard."

"Bingo." Makaylah said, turning to look at me.

"You know what? Your coming with me. I'm going to try to see if I can get you into the S.S.S"

Omg! 902 words! Please comment. I want feedback.

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