Chapter 7

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Today day was our first big mission with Makaylah. I suited up, slipping a few daggers and throwing stars into my pocket. Then I of course grabbed my curved daggers, called Steel Edge, then walked out into the hallway. I found Makaylah waiting in the hallway, along with John, Nicholas, Tyler, and Averie. Today, we were infiltrating the British Mafias base. Nicholas was still fastening his cloak. Ms. Santellan had ordered us to wear a cloak, so that they couldn't see our faces. We were supposed to climb a cliff, which should be easy, seeing as were trained for that. Then we were supposed to steal some of the scrolls, and escape. We were going to split up into two groups to get there. Me, John, and Nicholas were going in my car, The Hawk. Makaylah would take Averie and Tyler in her car, Cheetah's Eye. 

I kissed Makaylah before we went our separate ways, and I felt a kind of glee when Averie huffed. Maybe she would finally give up on me. We got in the car, a drove to the cliff.

Makaylah POV

I parked the car behind a cluster of trees, and for extra precaution, me, Tyler, and Averie threw the invisibility cloaking over it. We met the others at the base of the cliff.

"Two words." I said, looking up at the cliff in front of me.

"Curse Santellan." We all said in unison. The cliff was completely leveled and there was almost no footholds. Emphasis on almost. I scanned the cliff, and found little foothold here and their. They were only about a few centimeters long each, but they would have to do.

"Follow my exact footsteps." I said. I started to scale the wall. My fingers gripped the rough edges, and my toes dug into the rock face. I heard the others struggling behind me. Half of my brain was telling me to go back and help them. But the other half was in autopilot.

Climb, climb, climb, or die.

I felt a drop of sweat roll down my neck, and I understood something. Every month, the S.S.S. Would put all of the elite spy's in a fake classroom for the day, to just sit their and do nothing. Communication was forbidden. During that time, I had noticed every single detail around me, and it was keeping me alive at the moment. I noticed every single foothold, and saw through the illusions played by my mind. When I finally got to the top, I helped the others up, and we crept towards the building in front of us. 

Aaron POV

Four guards waited for us at the door, who were quickly shot down by Makaylah and John. We then silently walked into the facility, our hoods over our faces. We took the twist and turns that had been burned into our heads. We finally ended up by the vault we needed. Tyler dropped to his knees and picked the lock with a hairpin Makaylah had handed him. The vault opened with a soft hiss, and Nicholas and I stashed the scrolls behind our cloak. 

Tyler quickly closed and locked the door. We were almost out of their, until people in white cloaks dropped from the ceiling. Makaylah gripped my hand as they closed in around us.

We were trapped.

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