Chapter 12

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I was kicked out of the healing center.

They said I had to go home and freshen up a bit. Elwin joked that I was going to kill makaylah with my stench. After he said that, I fled. I don't remember what happened, but the next thing I knew, I was in my house. 

I changed out of my clothes and turned on the shower. I stepped under the water and felt it gush down my body. The water ran over and through all the scratches and bruises I have. Some would call them trophies. What I call them is the reminder of a loved one. I switched the shower off, and changed back into some new clothes. 

I stepped outside, and I felt my anger flare. The sun was shining, the grass was green, and the sky was clear blue. It wasn't fair. Makaylah was dying, and the world was to happy. The more appropriate weather would be pouring rain, in the night, with the grass slowly drowning. I took the Hawk back to the S.S.S. They had fixed my fingerprint. At this point, I didn't care. 

I ran to the healing center, and I took my time to look at the fallen.

Calla. She wasn't even supposed to be in the fight. She was a helper of the S.S.S. She had gone down protecting the other helpers.

Kenric. He was a jolly man, with a big grin and bright orange hair. He went down when him and a group of others cornered a enemy operative. The enemy threw a dagger, and it struck him in his heart. 

Brielle. Not many knew about her. She was a older operative, and was a great protecter. She died when the first wave of the enemy came.

Jason. He was one of Makaylah's many friends. He was taken down by a spear to the back. I bent down and hugged his lifeless form, trying to tell him many things I couldn't.

Crest. The poor kid. He was only 16. He had been learning from Lester on how to play the Ukulele. Last time I saw Lester, he was crying over it. 

Bianca. I felt especially sad for her. Her younger brother Nico was a great kid. I made a silent vow to make sure he would be okay. 

Zoë. She was never trusted, because her father worked for the British Mafia. She went down, but not before killing her father. 

So many more lay in rows, and I sadly looked at them. Then I moved towards the waiting room where outside of Makaylah's room. And the scene shocked me.

Tyler was hugging his knees, rocking back and forth on the ground, sobbing. John had one hand pressed to his mouth, tears gushing down his cheeks. Nicholas had his hands pressed against his face, tears falling through the cracks in his hands. Tears rolled down Averie's face as she sat in a chair. Percy Jackson, one of Makaylah's closest friends, sat on the floor, silent sobs shaking his body. Sophie Foster, another one of Makaylah's closest friends, was crying, while murmuring to herself "why her, I didn't have to be her"

"What happened?!" I asked, frantic.

Tyler looked at me, his eyes red and puffy. 

"Makaylah's heart stopped."

And now this is where you guys hate me. I promise she ain't dead yet, but you have to wait till the next chapter. I'm sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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