Ch 14

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AN: **This chapter is explicit** Hey y'all, this chapter was written to 4 Minutes by Avant, Love is Gone by Slander and Dylan Matthew (acoustic), and IDFC by Blackbear. I hope you guys enjoy this one and that you all have an amazing day. No worries, this is not the last chapter but we are getting pretty close. I will see you all in the next update and the mood videos will be on all socials. If you celebrate the holidays, I hope you all have a beautiful one with all of your loved ones and much health and happiness. See you guys soon :)

You sit across from your fiance at breakfast and he looks into your eyes. He smiles, "My love, why haven't you been in contact with Jimin?" Your smile fades, "He's not important right now, Yoongi. We're supposed to be getting the final details ready for our big day which is a couple of weeks away... I want it to be perfect." He sighs, "B-but is he not part of your life too." Chuckling loudly, "I know you're joking... He's my friend, our friend th-" "But what about everything the three of us share." Staring at him in disbelief, "And exactly what is that... Other than sex, there's truly nothing else that can sustain a relationship between us three."

He stares at you, "You don't mean that. I don't believe you one bit." Looking at him puzzled, "I don't know where all of this is coming from but honestly leave me the fuck alone. D-did he put you up to this? Did he message you, call you?" He sits there quietly and you huff, "If you care so much about Jimin and his stupid fucking feelings then go be with him." His eyes roll, "I thought we were all ok... Especially after the last time... For god's sake yn, he was talking about being a family together, he stayed at our house all weekend. So what the fuck changed from then and now."

Crossing your arms, "Nothing, can we just drop it already. I'm marrying YOU, not him. And don't you dare invite him over anymore either." He grabs your hand, "I know there was a moment that weekend where you felt it too. You seemed so happy and there was no problem-" "Stop talking... I swear to god Yoongi, I'll just go home if you don't shut up," you interrupted. He looks down at his plate, "I'll just follow you because you can't keep running away from your feelings," he gets tears in his eyes, "You always shut me out and you're a fucking liar."

"...YOU'RE BEING DRAMATIC... I'm leaving, don't bother showing up at the house! I'll talk to you later." Pushing your chair from the table so hard, that the coffee cup spills over and makes a huge mess as you are getting up from the table. Gathering your purse and keys and walking towards the door. Yoongi is yelling behind you to sit down and talk about it for once. Then he blocks the door, "You're not fucking leaving... Not this time." Rolling your eyes, "How after all this time together, we still argue about that fucker and he's not even here?! I didn't think you of all people would be on his fucking side." His voice raises, "It's not like that, you're always my priority, no matter what."

Throwing your bag onto the floor, "So why doesn't it feel that way. Fuck Jimin and fuck you too." He smiles wide, "You already do fuck us and you do it very well." Your angry expression softens, "Stop... I wanna be mad at you." His hand grazes your cheek, "You have no reason to be, however, if you feel the need to go and cool off, I'll let you do that... Just don't go having sex with Jimin, unless I'm there with you... I love you." You lowly whisper, "I love you too," before picking up your bag and leaving out the door. You tell him that you'll see him at work tomorrow.

Then you began the hour-long drive home, listening to music to clear your mind. It's not fair that he gets under your skin even when you haven't talked in weeks. You know in your heart he's been in contact with Yoongi and this infuriates you. Yoongi isn't always the most patient or understanding but why is he having a sudden change of heart. Is it possible that he wants the same things that Jimin wants? Your mind was flooded with all these thoughts. It was a bad idea to let Jimin get close to you again and you won't allow him to ruin a good thing. Your skin breaks out in goosebumps when you finally reach the driveway of your house.

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