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  AN: Hey beauties and cuties. This chapter is going to be kind of fluffy. I'm not turning over a new leaf, I promise that angst and drama will always be my favorite, lol. This chapter was written to Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish, I absolutely love that song. How is everyone doing? I hope you're taking care of yourselves. If the day-one readers of this story have made it this far, I want to take the time to thank you so much. Also, if you're new here, thank you too. See you all in the next update.

They were so much more excited about starting a family than you. You were still in shock and wondered if you'd be a good mother. Though it didn't really matter, you were wondering whose baby it was and if Jimin would really react all crazy if it was not his. All of these thoughts flooded your brain and they could sense that, sitting you down on the counter. They look into your eyes and smile, Yoongis says, "I promise it's going to be ok, just trust me, trust us." Your head shakes, "I wasn't expecting this so... So soon, we literally just got married. How am I supposed to enjoy the both of you? You know like enjoying the newlywed life without having to worry about a child... Travel and do fun things together an-"

Yoongi sighs, "I don't know what you expected my love. These things kinda happen," he winks, "Especially with us filling you so much with our cu-" "I didn't ask for the science lesson... I ju- just... I don't know, I'm not ready for this." Jimin watches you speak then he blurts out, "You're acting selfish... " You snap, "Don't start... I bet you did this to me." Jimin smiles, "We'll find out once the baby is born. Though you're not, I'm very excited to fill the house with little feet." Yoongi grins, "I am too and you should be too. Our child is going to be a gift. I adore you and we have the best support system right here." Staring at him, "I guess but how are you guys not scared. Having children is a... A LOT."

Your husbands rub your back and Yoongi grabs your chin to look into your eyes, "You act like you'll be doing this alone. I'm not going anywhere-" "SAMEEE," Jimin interrupted and your eyes rolled. Taking a deep breath, "Yes but-" Yoongi whispers, "No buts, we are going to make this work. You have absolutely nothing to worry about." You hopped off the counter and threw the test in the trash, grumbling under your breath, "Okay, you guys are right... I'm gonna nap, I don't wanna talk right now. Love you, guys." They kiss your forehead and tuck you into the bed.

You were overreacting but Yoongi was right

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You were overreacting but Yoongi was right. You decided to tell your mom after your first doctor's visit. You can already hear the questions that will pour from her mouth and you weren't ready for that at all. While you were sleeping, Yoongi and Jimin were looking up doctors in the network with your insurance so you could do a checkup on the baby. They were working as a team calling different offices and every time they'd say on the phone, "I'm her husband," they'd look at each other and giggle. They were calling all afternoon looking for a place that had available appointments and they finally found one.

You emerge from the bedroom and hear the TV playing loudly in the living room. Slowly shuffling your feet toward the noise, standing in front of it, "Why is this shit so loud?" Then you turn it down, looking at your husbands, and plopping in between them. Jimin pouts, "You took my seat.... Man, you get pregnant and turn into a complete grouch." You glare at him, "How about you try carrying a human." He laughs, "...If I could I would." You grumble under your breath, "Dude... shut the fuc-" Yoongi squeezes your thigh, "Yn, stop... We booked you an appointment for Tuesday to make sure everything is ok. I've already spoken to your boss about giving you time off."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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