Chapter 1 - First step

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Xue PoV:

It's been 13 years since I killed someone…in my defense he did try to do many things to harm me.

But now, I am finally 20, and thank Pierro for wanting to take me in when Arlecchino brought me back, she supposedly already had a successor and they didn't see it logical to send me to the house of herth, so all sword tricks and techniques are all from one common person, Pierro. Though he looked scary at first I found him rather comforting in his ways so he decided to take me in as his student or somewhat around there.

But at 12 I found something that caught my eye…medicine.

But not like how Dottore does it. No, medicine to cure people. Medicine for the sick. Though some people find it ironic the fact that I possess a cryo vision yet my elemental power doesn't have to do with healing at all and more with attack. It was interesting.

Pierro, being the sweetheart he is under the mask, Helped me get into academia early and with many efforts I graduated not long ago and now I have a clinic to myself!... but I don't always stay in the same place. I'm a wondering doctor. I always take the liberty to go all over teyvat to attend people no matter the place, Mondstad? I'll walk,Liyue? I'll go on boat, Inazuma? I'll take another boat, Sumeru? I'll go through the desert, Fontaine? I'll swim. And all you could Imagine, plus it's nice to know the scenery around teyvat.

Knock knock

The door then slightly opened, "may I?" Asked the very recognisable voice of pierro. "You may." I replied to him with a smile. He fully entered my office and then looked next to the bags I was packing, "where this time?" He asked with a small laugh, "Fontaine. I think I may stay for longer than normally though, not as many clients this time of year." I said to him without hesitation, he was used to it so he simply nodded.

"Well, when you arrive do say hello to Arlecchino and maybe do things to entertain and distract yourself, alright?" He said, sounding a little disappointed. "Oh! I definitely will!" I smiled back at him and took mental notes of what he told me about Fontaine and to say hello to Arlecchino.

After a while he hissitently left leaving me with my thoughts and finally I tried to find the strength to get out, which came easy, and started my long walk.

(Time skip)

Finally I finished walking from the sandy floors of Sumeru and saw my destination. Fontaine. A city famous for its entertainment and justice…exciting!

When I finally arrived at Fontaine's floors I stepped on paper? I immediately looked at it, The paper was thick and it looked very worked on and of great quality.

Lyney and Lynette's magic show!

Friday 10th of April 9pm!

Don't miss this great opportunity to have fun and let the show begin!

Today huh? Seems reasonable…and I'll have patients from Wednesday anyway…it's fine… and Pierro did tell me to enjoy myself, so now I know how I'll replay his request. I folded the advert neatly into my pocket and now for my second request I'll definitely do so. Say hi to Arlecchino.

As I walked through the crowded street of Fontaine I couldn't help but smile it was bright, in two ways, bright as in more colorful than Snezhnaya and bright as in the people of Fontaine, it wasn't gloomy, or cold like everyone in Snezhnaya, they weren't reserved, there was kids full of energy, there wasn't a single spot of sadness anywhere. It made me smile and feel warm inside, I felt at home. Even if I travel a lot around Teyvat I can't help but feel the best in Fontaine.

As I walked I then remembered my main goal; finding Arlecchino.

And just as I got closer to the center of Fontaine I couldn't help but notice the tall dark figure with white shiny hair and such fancy attire, Arlecchino.

As I walked closer they seemed to have noticed me. “Xue? What are you doing in Fontaine?” her expression was kept cold but it slightly softened as I got closer. “You know my job very well, and it so happens today's the week I'm staying in Fontaine.” I replied. They gave a quick little smile before speaking. “Do you still train under Pierro?” Their usual monotone was present. “Yes, now that it's April I have less patients meaning more free time. So I'm staying a little longer in Fontaine than I usually do.” Their smile reapered once again at my response. “Well I hope so, I'd like to see how strong you are compared to my successor, maybe, just maybe I'll let him take over in the Fatui if 1. They're up to it, And 2. If their strength increases.” I've heard of Arlecchino’s successor before but I don't know anything about them, nor do they know about me. We simply know of each other  as ‘Pierro’s student’ and ‘Arlecchino’s successor’. I always couldn't help but wonder how they were, like Childe? I doubt it. Arlecchino wouldn't dare to have someone quote on quote, ‘annoying’ for them at least, I found them funny, but they just pop out everywhere.

“Anyway, I’ll see you around then?” They said in their usual monotone that got me out of my plane of thought. “Yes of course.” I replied.
“If you need anything just try to find me.” They then gave me a little nod and off they went.

Now, l needed a place to stay. But where do I go? Oh yes! Pierro told me of a hotel not far from where I stood. So now I just needed to find it. but before that, I took the liberty to look at the fountain’s water that sparkled beneath the sun it was calming. After a few seconds of staring at it I got to work to find directions to where I'll be staying.

Illusions x logic || Lyney x OC (Xue)Where stories live. Discover now