Chapter 19- pleasantries

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Xue PoV

"Any thing you'd perfer to do before going to bed?" I asked not wanting to dwell too much on everything going on with him.

"Uh, what are my options?" He asked with his usual smile, a smile I was eager to see tonight after the earlier events.

"I don't have much to offer, although I believe I have a good board game hidden somewhere."
I eyed over to the bookshelf I kept most of my board games in.

"A board game? This late? Don't you have a bedtime?" It was noticeable he was teasing, but it was still fun to play along.

"Yes actually, goodnight." I got up from the sofa going over to my room a little slower just incase he believed it or had something say.

"I don't want to sleep alone though." He said in a mocking like tone, my head imideatly did a 180 when he said that, the memories from that one night flooding in.

"Too bad, the guest rooms all yours." I said going back to walking this time actually reaching my door, before I heard him whine and I imideatly closed the door behind me.

I rushed to get to bed, it all felt somewhat surreal, like it was just a damn dream, something I couldn't escape, he just kinda stuck to me, like a leech, when I know everything will go wrong sooner or later, it was just a matter of time before it all crumbles down and become ashes of memories.

Eventually my body fell limp until I fell asleep.

The next morning was rather, well, ofcurse my brain didn't really remember he was there until I saw him in the morning, ofcurse my brain remembered soon and we went on with the day, he stated about having moved, all of it being a surprise to him. It didn't take long for him to say goodbye and go.

When he left I thought it'd be good to pay a visit to my favourite prison guard and court judge. I quickly dressed up as always and went on my way.

Fontaine was always rather lively, a rich atmosphere surrounding it, ofcurse there was it's disputes but it was still a good nation, a nation that you'd just be lucky to call home. Sneznayah was never like this, and never will be, the streets will never be ice free no matter the heaters around the place. It was always so suffocating, everything was, but in Fontaine, it was different, it felt right, homey, safe, everything Sneznayah didn't have. And I will admit the fashion here has always been well respected, this brought my mind back to an old friend of mine. Wriothesley and Neuvillette, could very well wait for me to show up, and either way I wasn't really invited anyway so a departure wouldn't hurt persay.

Soon my boots reached their destination, stepping into the renowned Chioria boutique, the place was always so clean yet nice to sit and observe, the door soon closing behind me.

"Well, well, if it isn't my one and only Sneznayah friend." I heard a familiar voice say close to me.

"Good morning to you too Chiori." I said tilting my head to the side to greet her sight. I stepped closer to her, she was currently behind the counter of her boutique.

"It's rare to see you around, something happened? Need tailoring? Something made?" She questioned, stepping closer to me.

"No, I just wanted to greet you since I was in the area."

"Well, it's great to know you remember me." She said with almost sarcasm.

"How could I forget you? I remind you if it wasn't for me you'd not be working with fabrics from Sneznayah." It was true, I brought her a supply of Sneznayahn fabrics, mostly beacuse she tailors and makes the clothing I request off her with them.

"Fair enough, what brings you to Fontaine?" She said starting to sketch her designs on a little book as our conversation went on.

"I'm just enjoying it before I'm called back to Sneznayah."

"I see."

Soon our conversation ended due to costumers finally arriving, I greeted my good friend goodbye before I was on my way to my original destination.

Upon arriving, Wriothesley was just having some tea whilst Neuvillette sat on his desk bickering slightly with eachother.

"Ah, Xue, had a good night?" The Duke said when I was spotted.

"Very good actually." I said as I could feel the red rush to my cheeks.

"Is that it?" Neuvillette said, looking up from his files.

"I won't deny I did miss your company when you left me with the oaf." Neuvillette said as he sighed slightly.

"Did you two fight?" I asked as I noticed the bickering between the two.

"Is it that obvious?" Wriothesley asked.

The rest of the morning was left with them bickering their hearts out, is this what people mean when they say about an old married couple? They sure acted like that, and the matching rings on their fingers really added to speculation, however the ring was placed in their middle not the ring finger.

Soon I snuck off as their bickering only managed to irritate me, when I left the office I felt a little pull to my skirt, looking back, it was a melusine.

"Pardon me Ms, are you Xue?" The melusine inquired.

"That'd be me, yes?" I responded to them, why would they ask for me?

"This was delivered for you." The melusine extended their hand and handed me an envelope looking thing, it looked burnt, atleast a bit, I turned the envelope around just to see a burned fatui symbol. My eyes twitched slightly, I knew I'd be needed but, not this early on.

I opened the envelope looking at the letter inside, it read:
Dear Xue,

Your assistance is needed, you'll have more information when you arrive in Sneznayah.



I swallowed before leaving the place getting ready to set off to my birth place.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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