Chapter 9- The fight

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(TW: a little violence and mentions of blood)

Xue PoV

"Alright, here are the rules: fight eachother, some blood may be drawn, but no killing eachother. If at any point your mask breaks, imideatly try to cover your face and drop your weapon, if you see the others mask broken please do not look even if it's tempting. And finally do not speak to eachother. You may begin when the bell is rung." Arlecchino explained, she then backed away.

Whilst waiting I decided to examine my enemy; bow user with a pyro vision. Interesting, statistically I should be stronger with a sword, but then again, I wasn't the strongest either.

And then the bell rang just as I raised my sword he shot 2 arrows, my reflexes where quite good so I simply dodged them, and then he threw a nother slicing my cheek slightly, but not enough to leave a scar.

He's taking it seriously huh? I thought to myself, then again, if he tried hard enough Arlecchino might train him and who'd say no to that?

I then used my speed to get closer he got further but I was close enough to see him throw enough arrows, soon I was right up to his face, my sword being kept from him by his bow.

He's stronger strength wise.

I couldn't lift up my sword his strength being grater so I had no choice but to either use up my strength or retreat slightly, so I did and he stumbled a bit giving me an opportunity to get behind him, my sword close to his neck, he blocked my attack giving me an easy way to trip him up and he was now down on the floor.

But before I thought I had won he swiftly threw a few more arrows grazing the side of my stomach and breaking my mask, my mask being broken and basacly falling on his face, the minute it broke I moved my face away imideatly and threw my arm in the air. Thankfully he didn't see me in time.

Arlecchino came quickly and gave me a new mask allowing us to get back to the fight.

It went on for a while before we both collapsed from being tired. I collapsed a few seconds before him.

We were then excused to separate rooms. Pierro got me to mine before letting me compose my self. I took off my mask and threw it across the room in frustration. He was ment to be weaker, he wasn't even being taught. And he's ment to be weaker only being taught by Arlecchino number 7 of the fatui.

I felt a bit ashamed but nonetheless I started to clean and patch up the wounds he left, most wouldn't leave too bad of scars apart from the one close to my stomach. I won't be able to train to hard...bullshit.

I took training seriously. If I didn't I'd get weak and then there will be no point in anything.

I sighed before getting back up and putting my mask back on with my hood. As I exited I could see him with Alrecchino in the distance, though he was also covered by a mask I could still tell he had a smile plastered on his face. I didn't know how to feel.

I snuck away from the crowd and imideatly punched a tree on instict. I knew it wasn't healthy to take out my anger on objects, but I couldn't help it. I could feel a single tear scape my eye, but I didn't know if it was anger from being almost beaten by Arlecchino's successor or Lyney...

Lyney...he was inlove with someone else, someone better, someone who wants the attention of someone else.

"You are showing too much of an emotion." I heard a voice behind me, a familiar one, Pierro.

"My apologies, teacher." I went over to him, bowing to apologize.

"I humiliated you today by not winning, my absolute apologies." I imideatly apologized.

"Oh but you didn't, though you didn't win I'm still proud you came out with bearly any wounds. Though you managed to scrape him better." He said with a smile.

Oh, so I wasn't that weak? That cheared me up.

"Anyway, after you recover from your injuries you're gonna have some work to do for me, is that alright?" He asked, his usual tone was replaced by a calmer more father-like one.

"Yes. That's alright." I replied.

"How many wounds did he leave?" He asked me.

"None that I can't handle." I remarked feeling a little proud of that.

"Ah, as expected of the best doctor of Teyvat." He chuckled a bit, it was rare to see him with such emotion.

"I'm flattered." I responded.

After a bit I walked off back to my clinic where I found my assistant. Ready to tell me something.

"Doctor Xue!" She exclaimed as she came closer.

"Yes?" I answered back.

"A famous magician stopped by a few minutes before, looking for you." She explained.

Lyney?... came looking for me? But why? Does he need tips for the traveler or something similar? Is he just here beacuse he wants to play with me about this.

"W-what did he say?" I stuttered again. I tend to bearly ever stutter, infact I never did...until I meat him.

"He said that he was really sorry but couldn't spend more time with you since he had an important thing going on in fontine that he must attend." She explained.

"Did he say anything else?" I asked already feeling empty.

"N-No ma'am!" She replied quickly, I'm a doctor so something we learn is about emotions and how the impact of them works so I could easily tell their uneasiness.

"Are you 100% sure?" I asked eager.

"I'm sorry ma'am but I can not tell as this is something the sender asked not to say.

"Ah, I see, thank you." I excused myself and walked off.

I guess it might be better to not know what he said.

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