Chapter 3 - her eyes

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Lyney PoV:

"Why thank you for offering but I'm sure you must be busy."

Her soft voice spoke to me, I don't know what attracted me to it but it sounded addicting in my opinion, the way her words were soft and gentle... But what most attracted me to her was her appearance, I would look at her for ages and never get tired. A bit cliché for someone you've just meet, right?

"Oh no! Please I insist, your not from fontaine are you?"

I couldn't help but notice how she smiled at my sentence,

"that's right, but I don't think you'd like to walk me home if I told you where I was from..."

She looked away softly,

"Snezhnaya, right?"

She imideatly got her gaze back to my eyes and slightly nodded. "How did you?..."
She mumbled it her lips parting slightly through it,

"Your vision is from Snezhnaya, and I couldn't care less where you're from, I'd perfer to see someone like you walked home safely, by the fact you have a vision I'm sure you can defend yourself, but I'd still like to walk you home."

She smiled at me, I couldn't help but smile back and look into her icy blue eyes... beautiful I couldn't help but think.

"Well if you're alright with it I'm alright aswell." She softly said, I smiled back and moved to her side to start walking.

(Before, at the show)

The curtains where opened like any other show and we performed our tricks. When I looked around the audience I couldn't help but notice everyone but a pair of eyes caught mine, they where blue, an icy blue, so deep you could drown in them... good I couldn't help but want to see that person...then I remembered one of our tricks, I'd disappear and appear from the back, that could be my opportunity.

When the trick came I disappeared in the audiences eyes, and so when I stood at the doors of the entrence of the stage I looked, there she was, next to an empty sit, perfect I thought, I got next to them their complexion more obvious.

"Enjoying the show ma cherí?" I asked, she jumped a little and imideatly looked at me with those eyes... Her cheeks slightly pink...her lips looking so so soft and tender... I couldn't keep looking at her or I wouldn't be able to continue the show.

So I gave her a rose I made 'appear', it was in my sleeve, but it was the perfect time to use it.

I handed her the rose and said "I hope you are." Winked at her and left for the stage people now noticing me.

After the show once the curtain drew I went back stage quickly just to freshen up a tiny bit, fixed my hair from other tricks aswell as the box trick, she definitely jumped up a little at the thought I was crushed but appeared safe and sound next to her.

And so I went outside running a bit hoping to catch up to her, as I ran outside I saw her, well the back of her, her wavy blue hair swayed in the wind and on the back of her ribbon rapped around her waist was a vision... from Snezhnaya...

Most people despise people from Snezhnaya, but with my ties with the fatui... I couldn't help but think that I couldn't possibly introduce them to father, they would flip knowing I'm from the house of hearth. And Arlecchino's successor, please god, don't let her find out.


After we arrived at the aquabuss I couldn't help but want to start a conversation. "So, tell me about you." I smiled at her moving my gaze to face her before she faced me back. "What do you wish to know?" Her soft voice said once again.

"Okay, how about birthday?" I asked almost as a muscle memory

"December 14th. You?" She asked smiling with her eyes closed, I couldn't help but notice her fringe slowly swaying in the wind.

"February 2nd..." I thought, I couldn't help but mumble it as I was engulfed by her appearance... my new addiction.

"Anything else you wish to know?" She said this time opening her eyes. Her icy blue eyes... I could always get stuck in such eyes which no painter could ever capture aswell as I right now.

"Do you work?" I asked my tone sounded a bit monotone than usual I was just so englufed...

"Yes, I'm a doctor. That's why I'm in fontaine this week." She smiled.

My eyes widened when I heard that, she's a doctor? Well ofcurse she's too smart to be anything else. "Well I now know who to call when I'm unwell." I couldn't help but joke, but it came out in a flirty manner.

She laughed softly, "I guess so, though I'd perfer if you were healthy at all times."

We then both started laughing at the statement.

(Time skip)

After a while more of talking we finally got to where she was ment to be, I myself was a little bummed at the fact of that but let it go anyway.

"So, this is my stop." She smiles.

"Well then, I'll see you around?" I asked sounding somewhat needy in my opinion.

"Yes ofcurse. Goodbye Lyney." With that she closed the door and off I went back to where I was needed.

(Time skip)

When I got there I could help but lean on the wall exhausted, thank goodness I could hide my blush else I probably would never see her again, I'd have creeped her out.

"You look really red, are you sick dear brother?" Lynette spoke to me.

"No, I just-" I got cut off by her.

"Also, where were you? You left me to clean the probs alone." Her tone was a little mad.

"But- alright I walked someone home." I said to her expecting it to be the end of the conversation, taking my hat off and placing it on the counter.

"Who?" She imideatly snapped, it made me jump a little. But stayed quiet.

"Lyney, please tell me it wasn't a girl." I stayed quiet.

"Lyney!" She snapped again.

"I couldn't help it! I saw her in the audience and I couldn't help it! Her icy blue eyes where like daggers, her hair looked soft and elegant, her lips tender and soft I felt addicted..." I couldn't help but give that description.

"Lyney, you just meet her..." Lynette sighed.

"I know but-" I got interrupted once more, this time by Freminet.

"You sound inlove brother." Freminet said with his usual tone.

He made me go quiet In love?...

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