Chapter 13 - sobing and tears

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Xue PoV

I didn't think Wriothesley would really force myself to come and face Lyney. I new I did miss him but I just couldn't see him, I felt a little burden from liking him so much it could be confused with love. But he loves the traveler anyway...

I found myself trying to stop him from lunging at Wriothesley and I just took him away from the scene... somehow I managed to get him to his house which was infact empty due to his siblings being gone.

Exactly when we reached his house he took off his boots and threw them on the floor before going to sit, alone, in the cold kitchen, in the dark.

I sighed, taking off my own boots and neatly placing my own and his in line by the door, and then I precided to go into the kitchen and went to his side.

"C'mon... it's late... you should sleep... It's 22:43..." I looked at the clock as we arrived aswell, his whole house looked quite neat but cozy, so that was nice.

He stood up and didn't even look at me, but just walked to his room a bit quickly. I hurried to his side turning off the kitchen light in the process.

Once in his room he just stood there, he didn't move he just stared down at the floor... It was a little concerning, but his siblings were taken by someone he definitely dislikes a whole lot so it wasn't unexpected.

"Do you feel comfortable enough to talk to me?..." I said softly to him.

He turned around and I just saw his eyes, his beautiful lavender eyes had regret, anguish, anxiety and everything that summed up his feelings imprinted on them... It gave me a sence of wanting to cry myself, but I just swallowed those feelings down my throat in an effort so he wouldn't ask.

"Do you wanna tell me your worries?" I asked with the most welcoming gestures I could.

Hearing those words were definitely what he needed, imideatly rushing to me and catching me into the tightest hug he had ever given me. It was heartbreaking, he was sobbing so hard, his strong arms around my torso. I wrapped mine back around him, waiting for him to start to vent, cry even more, or simply hug me until he felt the need to stop.

"I hate it. I hate having to act everything so people will like you. I hate having to put up a smile everyday just to please the audience. I hate not being honest with others.I hate not being able to be myself, I'm either to quiet or too much for them. It's either a clap and a laugh from them or harrowing screams of hatred and insults. If a keep something from them I'm a stupid liar who doesn't deserve a single thing. I don't deserve your comfort, I don't deserve fans.And if I don't use charms what am I ment to do?! I'm a liar! I'm nothing! I'm useless! I'm unlovable!"

His speech was sad, but also gave me intel on how he felt. His speech being said between sobs just stabbed even more each time...

I placed my hand on his torso to push him back slightly before moving them up to cup his face wiping his tears with my fingers. It was hard to look at him like this...he was always smiling... always being such a sweetheart... knowing how he felt about the world hurt...and what hurt more was his sweet smile might have been forced always and he forgot how to smile. Stuff like that broke my heart... but knowing I related to part of his words...broke more, like my heart shattered to glass.

"You are not useless, you're everything, you may not see it but you might just be the most gentle person I've meet. You may be a bit obnoxious sometimes, but who hasn't been atleast once in their life? And yes maybe you are a liar, but everyone has lied, and even saying they haven't lied is a lie. But you shouldn't care about them! You shouldn't put up an act if you don't want to!... I know you are probably used to it and it's an instinct but you don't have to act around me, you never had to, you don't have to tell me everything. But I will always tell you how much I appreciate you and how lost I'd be without your company, how unhappy, how empty. You filled up a whole in my heart and I wish to fill yours up, I will show you how lovable you really please... don't cry... It breaks my heart..."

I said wiping his tears, I left him speechless to the point he could only just hug me, but his tears definitely decreased, good.

Once he stopped hugging me so tightly I guided him to his bed, giving a soft kiss on his forehead like a little kid.

"Rest, alright? You're going to need it.

I then started to leave reaching for the door to give him space.

"Wait!" I heard behind me as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind me, his chin on my shoulder, still crying slightly.

"Stay a little longer... please... don't leave me... you're the only one...the only one who can't... I..."
His sobs were starting up again.

"Alright... I won't... but... sleep..." I said moving a hand to carres his cheek whilst the other one carresed one of his hands wrapped around me.

"Sleep with me...let me cuddle you a bit... please...for a little while...lay down with need sleep too doc... Even if you say you don't... you please join me...for tonight..." He spoke softly in a raspy voice from all the crying.

"Very well... I responded." As I finished my sentence, he dragged me off with him towards where the bed is.

Illusions x logic || Lyney x OC (Xue)Where stories live. Discover now