Chapter 12 - old stuff

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Lyney PoV

I felt my steps being more noticeable now that I had made it to the fortress of meropide, it was huge and rusty, but I was here on behalf of Father, not from my own want. The air smelled so old, so rotten, I hated it. I hate the fortress quite badly, after how wriothesley took my siblings...

As I walked to his office I felt my nose intoxicated by the smell of smoke and dampness, disgusting. I knocked on the door and waited for myself to be attended.

The door clamped, it was a loud door. And finally it was open for me to be greeted by Wriothesley, god I disliked him. I quickly swallowed to get rid of the bitterness of my face.

"Lyney." Wriothesley said to me in his usual tone.

"Wriothesley." I said back trying to sound as normal as possible and not bitter.

Deep dislike and remorse for him was very clear in my head and he clearly didn't like me much either, but I certainly hid it better than him from years and years of practice.

Knowing the Duke it was weird to think he also disliked me, but our difference in that sense was the fact he wasn't hiding the mild dislike.

"State your business magician, or I'll throw you into here myself if that's what you really want." He said looking me up and down with a smug smile that I wanted to just snach from his stone like face.

"I wish to discuss something with you, something father wants." I said, my bitter tone was definitely noticeable now, him being rude gave me a reason to actually be bitter.

"What is it?" He said staring me up and down as if to intimidate me, I was too pissed off to care.

"Father whishes to have 4 reports that you own, Wriothesley." I said giving him a similar stare trying to be intimidating myself.

"What reports?" He said in his sarcastic tone that I think he mostly used to rile people up.

"C'mon Wriothesley, don't act dumb, you know exactly what reports." I crossed my arms as I said that, trying to keep myself from shouting.

He laughed.

I bit my lip from anger, why was he laughing? I was being serious, he irritated me so much he found satisfaction in laughing when I'm being serious?

"Why are you laughing?" I said looking him up and down, I think I raised my voice and that made him giggle even more.

"There's millions of reports here, apart from Childe's report,which I'm guessing is one, you'll have to give me names." He said now leaning on his desk as if to go smug.

"Ofcurse I mean myself and siblings." I said, I felt discomfort at his sly smile, that wasn't good, not good at all, what did this man have under his sleeve?

"Which reports? The last time you came here or... The ones from right now?" He said laughing slightly.


What was that ment to mean? I was sure my siblings were simply somewhere else whilst I was in Snezhnaya. Did they commit any crimes?...

"Where are my siblings Wriothesley?!" I shouted at him, needing an answer,my body responded with a stance of defence in a way.

"Where do you think?" He sniggered.

"Wriothesley where are they?!" I felt myself starting to panic, panic like the last time, I just wanted to lash out at him and wound him. Beat him.

Before I could go at him, I felt an arm hugging my torso as if to keep me in place, while a hand covered my mouth. The hands were soft, and the hold was gentle, so it felt like no threat. I stood there, waiting in shock about who it was.

"Lyney, calm down, please...he won't do anything." I heard a soft voice say from behind. It was familiar, really familiar.

I imideatly tilted my head over my shoulder to see who the voice belonged to.


When noticing her pretty face staring at me, and her delicate body holding me softly to not attack him or fight him atleast.

"Xue!" I exclaimed pulling her into a tight hug from her hold before. I felt her arms wrapping around my torso to hug me back, I was scared to even squeeze her not wanting her delicate self to get hurt.

"Wow, that's new." I heard Wriothesley say, the words hit imideatly and my first instinct was to stop the hug and keep her behind me as if to protect her even if I knew she could defend herself right there.

I felt her sighing behind me.

"Wriothesley," she started in her sweet voice. "Give him what he wants, and we'll both leave." She said making it so she'd take a spot next to me.

He scoffed before nodding. She nodded back and tried to scort me off with her. I felt anger, but at the same time I wanted to cry and scream, but I couldn't tell if it was beacuse of my siblings or from seeing her in such short notice.

"C'mon, I'll scort you home, you need it." She kept her arms around my shoulders the best she could.

"Why were you there?..." I said ingnoring her gaze as I was trying hard not to cry out of anger and anxiety.

"Business... But don't worry yourself over it, it was something I needed to discuss with the air head." She said making sure to throw a sarcastic insult to make me laugh. And as she wanted, I giggled.

She somehow was able to get me out of a mood easy and I wasn't even pretending. I really do enjoy her presence, unlike I do with most.

"Anyway, let's get you home, okay?" She said to me with a comforting smile.

I looked at her briefly, " siblings..." I started.

"I'll get those reports and make sure your siblings are innocent to leave, alright?" She spoke in the softest voice she could when trying to comfort.

"Alright..." I responded, going with her.

Illusions x logic || Lyney x OC (Xue)Where stories live. Discover now