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there's something that tickle at mike's chin, and when he retracts to inspect the sensation, he scoffs at the realization that it's your slick. undeterred, he readjusts his position, hooking his arms underneath your quivering thighs and re-draping them over his shoulders.

his breath is hot as it fans over your dripping cunt, and he immediately dives in, nose burying into your clit while is tongue presses into your weepy hole, shoving remnants of his release back in.

your fingers play a slipshod game of loosening and tightening around his growing curls, hips gyrating in uncoordinated semicircles. "oh mike.." you groan. "i don't think i do another one," but your movement betrays your complaint.

mike shakes his head, and his scruff scrapes angrily against your sensitive inner thigh, rubbing the flesh raw in his eager motions.

he tickle a middle finger against your perineum, teasing its entrance when he takes your clit between his lips, suckling at it until your legs go rigid and your spine locks against the mattress.

mike chases after each jolt, each twitch of your limbs until his tongue is delved so far between your velvet walls that your toes are curling against the mattress.

with a spasming groan, your hips buck off the mattress, and mike seals his mouth over your wet pussy, drinking in every drop of arousal that floods from your worn cunt.

your body falls limp against the bed and it takes the man a few delicate kisses against your throbbing clit to pull away, cheeks glimmering and nose dripping.

his smile is a proper mirror of his exaltation as he slowly kneels his way back up the bed to find your side, smearing a slick-coated kiss against your cheekbone. "see? i told you you could."

𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐇𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐓 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now