what team baby?

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You moaned out as Josh continued to pound into you, leaving you shrieking in pleasure. The red jersey you once had on was tossed onto the ground as Josh practically ripped it off your needy body.

"Look at you" Josh grunts, "letting a united boy fuck you like this" "who's filling you up baby?," he spits and thrusts into you so forcefully that you're certain you'll have bruises tomorrow.

"Huh, say it?" He encourages you as his speed intensifies, "You," you whine out, "and what team do i play for y/n?" He grunted out. Josh was using this fuck as an ego boost, and you were taking it all.

You practically have to force yourself to say, "my team." Hearing you say that, moaning as you were wrapped around his cock was enough for Josh to fuck you even harder. He watched you with a smirk as he fucked you to your climax.

You were a dirty gunner, but nonetheless you were his dirty gunner.

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