Ep 11: I dream of meanie

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At Blue base the Blues were outside and standing with the tank, though they had to deal with the presence of Tex who had returned.

Church: Get out of my body right now Tex!

Tex: Your body? This isn't your body. I stole it.

Church: Yeah, but I stole it first!

Sheila: I am confused, I thought your name was Lopez. And I thought your were a man. This is all so strange. I feel like my circuits are crossed. And I like it!

Freya: Tex?...that's her? What is going-

Tucker: Relax, I think your the only other one besides me who knows the bullshit of this canyon now. Just roll with it.

O'Malley: I know how to get her out of there. Wink.

He raised his magnum pistol at Tex.

Church: Caboose, don't! Look, just go explain to Sheila, okay?

Caboose turned to the tank and immediately did so.

Church: Alright Tex, now what's it gonna take to get you out of there?

Tex: Well, ever since I've been a 'ghost', I've been keeping an eye on you guys every now and then.

Tucker: Woah, when you say you've been keeping an eye on us... when exactly?

Tucker turned and looked at a rock with the words "Keep out, Tucker's Rock" spray painted onto it. Freya double takes as she looked at it and was horrified at the sight.

Tex: *sighs* You should be VERY ashamed of yourself Tucker.

Tucker: It's very lonely out here....at least it was. *looks at Freya*.

Freya: No...just no.

Tex: Anyways, I've noticed a change in one of your guys. Caboose.

Church: A change? Like what? He's finally learned the whole alphabet?

Tex: You haven't noticed that he's been increasingly aggressive lately?

Tucker: I have! Started about the same time Sheila got disabled and you got blown up. I tried to tell Church, but he never listens.

Church: Tucker, there's a very fine line between not listening and not caring. I like to think that I walk that line every day of my life.

Freya: So you purposely made yourself the dumbest person on this team.

Tucker then just cackled up as he tried to contain his laughter. Even Tex was giggling to Church's anger as he faced Freya.

Church: What did you say?!

Freya: Hey come I was joking.

Church: Oh yeah, at least I ain't someone who is secretive of their past. Maybe for all we know you are just a lying bitch who wanted to see action.

Freya: Oh really? Well I fuc-

Tex: Guys! Focus! I had just finished repairing the tank when I overheard Church's plan to warn the Reds about me. From what I could tell, the A.I. calculated the odds of survival and didn't like the results. Once Caboose turned on his Radio to call Church, it took it's chance.

Tucker: And that was then he said his name was O'Malley. So the A.I. that was in you infected Caboose?

Church: Right, everyone's armour has one slot for A.I. and Caboose's would've been vacant.

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