Ep 16: What's mine is yours

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At Blue base Tucker, Freya and Caboose were all talking on the upper level. As they both filled Caboose in as he had ben out for a long while.

Tucker: Man, Caboose. You were asleep for a long time. What were you dreaming about?

Caboose: Oh, nothing. I do not like to dream. I try not to think while I'm sleeping.

Tucker: That's pretty much how you function while you're awake, too.

Caboose: I think consistency is important.

Freya: That just sounds very sad Caboose.

Then out of no-where Ghost Church had arrived to next to the trio.

Ghost Church: Well, you look ok, then again, that's just the armour. How do you feel?

Caboose: Great! ... Who're you?

Ghost Church: Oh, come on! Not this again! How can you seriously not remember me?

Caboose: Oh, of course! I remember you... you're Marvin!

Ghost Church: I'm Church!

Caboose: I think I would remember a name that ridiculous. Nope, you are definitely Phil.

Ghost Church: You killed me with the tank.

Caboose: Dave!

Ghost Church: You insulted my girlfriend. You called her a cow.

Caboose: Karen!

Tucker: Dude, he called her a slut.

Freya: I can agree with that I guess. 

Ghost Church: Shut up Freya!

Caboose: Phineas?

Ghost Church: Your whole life is based around pleasing me.

Caboose: Wally.

Ghost Church: In fact, I think you're kind of obsessed with being my best friend.

Caboose: Milo?

Caboose turns around and whispers to Tucker and Freya but it is loud enough that Church can hear clearly. 

Caboose: Psst. The new guy is pretty full of himself.

Ghost Church: New guy? What the- I'm not the new guy. You're the new guy! So is she!

Tucker: I don't know. I kinda like it. I could get used to calling you Rookie.

Freya: I second that as well.

Ghost Church: Oh, yea? Could you get used to me beating you both to death?

Caboose, again turns back to Tucker and Freya. Still with no idea who Church was. 

Caboose: Psst. What's wrong with the rookie? He seems mad.

Ghost Church: Oh, son of a bitch.

Caboose: Susan?

Meanwhile at Red Base. Donut was attempting to jump onto the upper level, with Grif watching over him from above. Donut is making grunting noises as he jumps as he continued to fail jumping over. 

Grif: Donut, there is no way you can jump that high.

Donut soon paused for a moment as he landed onto the dirty ground. 

Donut: Yes I can.

And with that, Donut had gone back to continue jumping as he kept chanting "Yes I can!" as he jumps. As that was happening both Steve and Simmons walk up to Grif. Steve had been helping Simmons out getting used to the body and the maroon was just about used to it. 

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