Ep 12: Room for rent

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Tucker: Well Tex, that was a great story. I especially like the part of Church getting pants'd in high school.

Freya: Yeah, quite a tale I'll remember for the rest of my days.

The Blues were still outside the Blue base next to the tank and Tex had told both Tucker and Freya all about the tales of Church in his younger years. 

Ghost Church: I found that part to be entirely out of context.

Tucker: But I still don't get how we're supposed to stop the A.I.

Tex: I don't remember much from the implantation process. I do remember that the A.I. can be transmitted from host to host by way of the helmet radios. Before I learned anything else, the A.I. took over and we escaped. If we can kill the A.I. and not give it a place to jump, we'll beat it.

Ghost Church: And then I can have my body back, deal?

Tex: Deal.

Ghost Church: Alright, Tex and I will possess Caboose then. Tucker, Freya we need you two to work on the Reds. Get them to turn off their helmet radios so that's O'Malley won't have anywhere to go once we get him there.

Tex: Right...better call Steve.

A message box appeared on her/Lopez's visor. She had it installed a way for them to communicate, it was on her as an AI. So now she had to tell Steve, even though she didn't want him to get in the way of her AI killing plan out of protecting him. But she emailed him "When the Cyan soldier arrives, do as he says." As that was happening Tucker and Freya were talking to Church.

Tucker: What?! How are we supposed to do that?

Ghost Church: I don't know, come up with a plan.

Tucker: Come on, you know how I feel about plans.

Freya: The orange soldier, literally called me a slut. I'd rather put bullets in them than help them. 

Tex just stared down Freya gritting her gaze.

Tex:  Just do it, you're not gonna have much time once we get in there, so move fast.

Tucker: Oh I see, you have no idea what we should do or how we should do it, but whatever we do, we should do it fast?

Ghost Church: Yeah, that's right.

Tex: Yup.

Tucker: Wow, you guys are a lot of help.

Ghost Church: Try shifting your paradigm. Think outside the box.

Tucker: Hey, the box is there for a reason. I like thinking inside it. I feel safe in there.

Freya: uhh....I hate that we're doing this.  

Ghost Church: Okay, Tex. Ladies first.

Tex: Yeah, right! You think I'm gonna leave you here alone with your body?

Ghost Church: Bitch.

Tex: Nice try Leonard.

Freya: Just like an old married couple. 

Ghost Church: Hey, Caboose!

Caboose: Huh?

Ghost Church: Heads up.

Ghost Church just sprinted forwards and jumped right into Caboose! Tex did the same as she left Lopez. 

O"Malley: Nooooo!

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