Ruined Everything!

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• Kim Minji •

I woke up at 6:00 a.m. Yesterday, I didn't have much work so I came early and slept at 9:00 p.m.

I did my daily routine and dressed myself. At 7:00 a.m. I got Sana's message that she will pick me up and we both will go to school together.

She came 8:30 a.m. Our school is of 9:00 a.m. and it took me 15 minutes to arrive.

"Lets go, Minji, fast. I'm waiting" Sana shouted

" Coming! let me lock the door first"

" You know what I'm so excited to meet our new professor. He might be our Chemistry and Biology professor." She said with so much excitement

I can't help her. She's just so into handsome men.

We arrived after 15 minutes.

" We still have 15 minutes for our first class so I'm going to have something from cafeteria. Do you want anything?" Sana asked

" No, you go ahead. I'll save your seat." She went to cafeteria's direction cheerfully

(In my class)

It is our Literature class. Mrs. Lee came. We talked about Robert Frost's poems and she assigned to write any one poem with details as our homework.

" Finally it's our Chemistry class. Now I can finally be able to see my long awaited professor" Sana said dramatically as if she's going to meet her prince charming or an idol.

As soon as professor entered, my mouth was widely opened.

How's this possible?
What is he doing here?
Is he a professor?
Who is he actually?
What is his name?

So many questions were roaming around on my mind.

" Good morning students, I'm your new professor JEON JUNGKOOK. Nice to meet you" He introduced himself.

He is seriously, deeply staring at me. I gulped my saliva. Atleast, I got to know his name now.

• Jeon Jungkook •

Day before when that car incident happened. I told Nikol to find everything about that girl.

He gave me his file that night. Her name is Kim Minji, a high- school student etc, etc.

'smirk' I have something for her. Just wait and watch Kim Minji.

I called Nikol and told him to talk to XYZ high school's Principal to let me have a job of professor. He agreed, well, he doesn't has any choice but to agree.

The next day I entered the school and met The Principal. He told me everything about the school. It doesn't matter to me that what are the rules and regulations. I do whatever I want to do and no one, NO ONE can stop me .

As soon as I entered the class, all the students bowed and wished me. Girls were screaming, boys were staring but my eyes were only finding this girl, Kim Minji.

When I laid my eyes on her, she was already looking at me. Her face was easily readable. She was so shock to see me there. I know she might be thinking a lot about me.

Get ready to suffer Kim Minji because you are gonna have hard time from now onwards.

• Kim Minji •

" Oh my god, Minji. He is so handsome. How can someone be so good looking specially in glasses" Sana was looking super excited with her new professor

He is not what he looks like actually.

Not gonna lie, he is very handsome and has good sense of outfits. But the reality is, he is cold hearted, rude, dick and list is long. Honestly, he is a perfect example of IRONY

Girls were literally drooling on him. I can't with this sight, god!

• Jeon Jungkook •

" Alright students, I am your new professor of Chemistry and Biology. Before I get started and you guys throw your questions to me, let me make it clear for you that there are few rules which you have to obey or else consequences are way more dangerous for you."

Rule: 1
No one is allowed to talk when its my class time. Not even a single sound.

Rule: 2
Bunking my class is prohibited.

Rule: 3
Students don't come on time are not allowed in my class.

Rule: 4
Those who don't submit there assignments on time are going have F even if that student is bright or whatever.

" I don't give a damn care about you guys personally but if you really want to study then you are most welcome or else here is the door and you can take your ass out from here" I basically gave a long speech but it is needed.

I don't care about those students. I'm just here to have fun with 'HER'.

" Now if you have any questions then ask then we'll continue with our studies"

A girl raised her hand.
" Sir, would you mind if I have your number?" She said in a seductive way which was really disgusting to me.

Then I looked towards Minji, her face showed confused look, puzzle, disgust, a mixture basically.

" Your name?" I asked with a stern face

" I'm Song Hye Jin" She said.

I understood that she is a clingy, slut type girl.

"So, Miss Song, don't you think you're thinking very highly of yourself that I will give you my number" I took a pause then said, "you are just a student so stop thinking bullshit. If you want to do these stuffs then leave immediately because students like you don't deserve to be in my class"

She felt ashamed and sat down with her head hung low.

" Today, I'm thinking to have an introduction class, let's start from the first row"

• Kim Minji •

He literally shut that bitch's mouth. Well, he did one good thing atleast. He then said to have an introduction class which I wasn't interested in.

Starting from the first row, everyone gave their intro, one by one.

Then it comes my turn. I stood up and started giving my intro that he stopped me.

" i think you should not introduce yourself as I know that you...........are that DELIVERY GIRL, Kim Minji, ain't it!?" He left those words out and I stunned there because no one knows in my school except Sana that I am working at a restaurant because here everyone belong to some rich families. Here, rich students bully not so rich ones. Basically, they make fun of those students and I was one of them but I didn't reveal my identity before as I was already suffering from my job, lots of work, losing my parents etc etc.

I don't want to be involve in these bullying thing. Moreover, I don't want halmeoni to be worried about me all the time. I want her to live her life with tranquility. But he ruined it. HE FUCKING RUINED EVERYTHING!

• No one's pov •
Jungkook revealed something which Minji never wanted in her life to happen. What's going to happen now?
Will she be able to handle those things that makes her worried all the time? What is cooking in Jungkook's head!?




UPDATE: 19 November 2023
NEXT UPDATE: 25 November 2023



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