Only A Student!

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• Kim Taehyung •
After an hour of ride, we arrived at her place. She lives in a small but cute house.
"Hey Minji, since we are friends now, why don't you invite us in?" I asked then looked towards Jungkook. He was furious and I liked it.

"Yea' sure why not? I would like it if you come inside and have some tea or coffee" She approved

"Don't you have work or assignments to do?" Jungkook asked with a stern look.

"I did. I already completed my assignments and I don't have my part-time job today so nothing to worry, sir." She replied. I really like Minji because she knows how to take stand for herself and not let anyone show dominance over her.

"Sure thing then. I'm excited for today" I said getting out of the car. Jungkook still stared at me but I just ignored it.

•Jeon Jungkook•

She again took side of him. Seriously, Taehyung is being so annoying and Minji.....she is obeying him as if they are best friends from years.

I couldn't help but to roll my eyes whenever Taehyung look towards me to check my expression. He was doing it purposely.

We both got out of the car and headed inside her house.
" Minji, I must say your house is small but you maintained it really well" Taehyung said to her while winking and she blushed.

"Could you please stop exaggerating things because it's annoying" I don't know why I said this maybe because he was being so annoying? I don't know!

I looked towards Minji who had sad and anger emotions but she doesn't know how to react on this statement of mine.
She looked towards Taehyung and smiled brightly.

" You are going too far, Jungkook" Taehyung glared at me

"It's ok Tae. It's not like he had never talked to me like that before. I'm used to it." It hurts, it genuinely hurts I'm trying to be nice with her but accidentally say such things that I don't even meant.

" I think you guys should sit down. I'll bring coffee for you." She hung the keys and went to the kitchen.

Now finally him and I are alone.
" Why are you being so clingy to her?" I broke the silence

" She's a friend of mine. So what if I'm being clingy there's nothing to complaint. Moreover, if she's comfortable then who are you to tell me not to get close to her?" He put his hands on his waist and looked straight into my eyes as if challenging me.

"She's my student Tae, don't you dare play with her. She's different from others." I took a step forward to let him know that I'm ready to accept whatever challenge.

" 'chuckle' I agree that she's a different girl that's why I'm interested in her. Also, she's 'only' a student to you, nothing more, nothing less. Am I right? Then stop caring about her." He was right at some point because she's only a student and it's not like I'm a teacher by profession. She doesn't even know who I am, what my true personality is.

'Ring Ring!'

My phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID, it was Dad.
' sigh'

I ignored what Taehyung said and went out to pick up the phone.


Do you even know what
you have done?

(He said with a furious voice)

I'm well aware of my doings.
If you don't have anything else
to say then I'm hanging up.

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