Chapter 15

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Even if you go through a traumatic event, the world isn’t going to stop just for you to heal. It’ll keep going and you will have to keep going along with it. I learned that the hard way when all I did for the past two weeks was be cooped up in my home. My parents had allowed it but they finally got tired of it, even if they didn’t admit it, it was obvious. 

It first started out as me being grounded for sneaking out but that only lasted a week. Staying in for the second was completely my choice. I didn’t need to go out when I had Akaza coming in every night and giving me more entertainment than I would get from being outside.

“Honey?” I could hear my mother’s voice on the other side of my bedroom door. My parents had overall stopped knocking ever since they noticed that I slightly jumped when I heard an unexpected thud.

“Come in,” I was at my desk, writing characteristics about different plants. When I came back, everyone showered me with gifts like plants, books, snacks, etc. It was as if I had been lost for two years instead of two days. 

“How are your wrists and ankles?” She asked me every morning and I was glad to say they have been healing faster than I expected.

I placed my pencil on the desk and turned around to face her, “Well, writing stopped hurting.” It had been difficult to do anything with my wrists. Even if I wanted to grab something, it hurt a bit, the skin just moved too much. 

“That’s good to hear. I was wondering…” she bit her lip, contemplating whether she should continue or not, “If you would want to continue your koto lessons tomorrow. I’ve been waiting until you healed and maybe seeing that boy would keep your mind off of things.”

She was right about it distracting me but she was wrong about which boy. Giyuu had actually sent me a letter telling me that I could cancel any of my lessons if needed, which I accepted. I kept the letter because at the end he also included, “And I hope you get better soon.” It was basic compared to what everyone else told me, but it was a huge progress with Giyuu. I think the picnic helped him show his feelings a bit.

I thought about the suggestion for a second, pressing my lips together in a thin line. It could be good to get out of the house and afterall, my kidnapper had been watching me for a bit before going after me. If I was careful, I could probably spot the signs before it actually happened again.

“I’ll go,” I finally answered.

“That’s great, do you want me or your dad to take you?” She was smiling from ear to ear, probably because I’m agreeing to go out.

“I think I can go out on my own in the day,” even if I didn’t have Akaza with me in the day, everyone was worried so all eyes would be on me anyway.

“If that’s what you want,” she didn’t say anything else before walking out of the room. I continued to journal, but eventually it got boring. That’s how I felt the past few weeks but I tried denying it. I had plenty of fun with Akaza and slept through most of the morning so I had a few hours to spare here and there. But there’s only so much a girl can do inside a house.




I was getting ready for my afternoon lesson with Giyuu. The last time we spoke was at the picnic a while ago, so I wonder what he was up to. He didn’t have many friends after all.

As I went to pick up the koto up off the floor, I thought about getting him a gift. I looked around my room to see if I had anything. Pens, paper, katana, oh! I was deciding which one to give to him. I ultimately chose the least depressing looking one since it’s been a bit since I had them. They were actually still pretty fresh.

It Started at the Temple {Akaza x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now