Something new

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'None of this is your fault you know.'

Me and Miko were standing in the kitchen just like yesterday. She decided to make us some tea, even though I insisted that I don't want any. Even after I talked to her the way I did, she still worried about me and was kind. What did I do to deserve this?

'Your sister wouldn't be happy to see you in the state you are in right now.' She handed me the ready cup of tea. 'Let's go to the living room and watch something, maybe that will cheer you up.' She smiled.

Lately, in times like this, she wasn't teasing me at all, instead she was showing genuine affection. I didn't know whether this was a good sign or not, but it made me feel good. Better than before at least.

We sat down on the couch and I turned on the TV. 'What do you want to watch?' I asked Miko whilst getting us two warm blankets that were beside me. 'Thanks,' she took the blanket and wrapped it around herself, 'Let's watch dogs purpose.'

I turned to her amusingly with my mouth agape. 'Do you want me to cry?'

Miko giggled, 'You smiled.'

I felt my cheeks burn up and I immediately turned back to the TV, 'Okay, I'll put it on.'

Since the tea was still hot, we put the cups on the small table in front of us. It was still the morning so I decided to close the blinds to make the atmosphere better. I went back to the big L shaped couch and sat on the left side.

I pressed start to the movie and it started. I got all cozy, wrapping the blanket around me, just like Miko. I felt warm and comfortable.

'You know, if there's any person that I don't want to drift away from me, it's you.' Miko said suddenly, making me look towards her. 'What do you mean... Miko?' 

She covered her face with her hand, 'I just, you've grown on me you know. You're someone very important to me, so when I saw it in your eyes that you wanted to isolate yourself from everyone, I knew I had to do everything to convince you to not do that, and ask for help instead.'

I was shocked by her words and the way she was acting. Though, instead of feeling nervous, awkward or uncomfortable, I felt good, so good that I started to get all teary again. 


'Now, now, don't cry, the movie hasn't gotten to the crying part yet!' She giggled, 'Don't mind my words too much-'

'Thank you Miko, I...I feel the same about you. You're also very important to me.' I interrupted her.

Miko's face flushed with a hint of pink and she smiled, after that, our direction shifted to the movie, and we stayed silent. But of course, soon enough that silence was replaced with laughter, simple sad reactions and "aww"-ing.

I hadn't seen the movie in a long time, but seeing the dog die and get reincarnated again got me thinking.

'I wonder, when we'll die, will we find each other in another life and still be friends the way we are...' I said, under my nose, not knowing whether I wanted Miko to hear that or not.

'I'm sure we will.' She said, confidently.

'No matter in which Universe, I'm sure that my soul will look for you.' Miko chuckled, 'Ah, what am I saying...'

I blushed even more than before. She had never acted this way in front of me, it was as if I was seeing another side of her again, a side that's so gentle, I was surprised myself.

'You believe in souls?' I asked, curious about her views.

'I do, I believe we all have another life we go to after this one. After all, if souls didn't exist, what would make us, living things, alive?'

'I suppose you're right about that.' I giggled.

I reached for my tea and took a sip, it tasted sweet and bitter, just the combination I liked.

'How do you like the tea?' Miko seemed to have noticed me enjoy every sip I was taking.

'It's wonderful, thank you for making it for us Miko.'

'You are very welcome.' She smiled to herself, 'Hm, Y/n... I have a proposal to make.'

I lowered the cup of tea from my lips to the height of my chest, 'What kind of proposal?' I inquired.

'Why don't you come live with me for a while?'

'L-live with you??' I put the cup on the table.

'Yes, after all, your sister is going to be in a coma for some time and it would probably be best if you had some company, like me... and well Ei too.'

I thought about it for a moment, me, living with Miko and her roommate. It didn't sound like a bad idea at all, but wouldn't I just be causing them-

'And no, it won't be a burden on us, in fact it will make our living a whole lot easier.' She said, as if she could read my thoughts, 'your facial expressions are easy to read Y/n.'

I sighed, 'I suppose it's not bad then... but would you really be fine with taking me to the hospital every day?'

'Is that even a question?' She giggled, 'Of course I'd take you, so don't worry about that at all.'

After that conversation, we both finished watching the movie and I said my goodbyes to Miko. I told her I'd be ready to move in tomorrow and she agreed to pick me up in the evening.

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