Chapter 4-

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The morning was quiet, calm, and cool. There were no clouds in the sky, but the air held no warmth, it did hold something though, and those with more than two brain cells could feel it.

"Ayame, don't open the store we are closed today," Teuchi called out.

To say his daughter was shocked was an understatement...she was half a step away from calling the hospital.

'he could be having a seizure, stroke...or something, if not he might be an enemy shinobi and I need to all the ANBU' Ayame thought as she quickly went to find her father.

She found him in his back office, turning the dial and opening a safe he had not touched in years, the look on his face was of serious concentration. Pulling a red leather book, he opened it and read.

'good I have everything' he thought as he closed the book and turned to head out of his office with it and locked eyes with his worried daughter.

Hiruzen could not sleep, well that was a lie, he slept dead and solid. He just woke up at four in the morning charged and ready to go, he hadn't felt this in years and was thinking that it was Chief's doing. He got dressed putting his battle armor on and summoning Enma who quickly turned into the Staff, the monkey king did not speak much he too could feel the air.

Ashe walked into the Tower at five he was greeted by shocked faces as this was rather early for him still,

"Hokage-sama," a Chūnin spoke as she stood. "Is there something going on?"

"Why do you ask" he tested her.

"'re not here normally this early, there seems to be an energy in the air like a storm is just waiting to break," she started. "And Ichiraku's is closed yet he and his daughter are there, and they seem to be working in a mad rush."

The Hokage just smiled,

'So, you too feel it, Teuchi, good." The old man thought with a smile.

"Good, thank you for the report, I will be in my office." The Hokage simply replied as he went to his office door.

At the door he stopped again, this was the second time in two days someone was in his office this early and no one in the tower seemed to know. But this time it was different.

Opening the door slowly he spotted some of the ANBU hidden as they watched, in the office sitting on his desk was Naruto, there standing around him and looking at the Hokage was Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and Shino (course he barely saw Shino.)

"It is early boys, and you have a training camp in a few hours, you should still be sleeping or getting some food, you will need both," The Hokage spoke as he walked around his desk to sit.

"We are ready Jiji," Naruto smiled.

"I thought you said you would not try to get the file till after the camp?" Hokage asked with a grin.

"That is still the plan," Naruto replied. "Unless you want to hand it over now, save us the trouble and save your ANBU the embarrassment."

There was a stir around the room, Shika just grinned, Naruto had literally just called out the ANBU with that one.

"No," Hokage replied simply.

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