Chapter 13

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After their bath which included another impromptu lesson in trade skills and former missions involving body work. The younger boys of the group minus Sasuke and Neji. (Neji was off reading the letter and Sasuke was not yet ready to be sociable) were sitting around the fire,

"Ok Naruto," Shikamaru started. "What is wrong?"

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked. this was the first time her and Ino had joined the others.

"He has had a lot on his mind all day," Shino spoke, he startled the pink seeing as she had forgotten about what Chief informed them of the second day during the sparring. "That is the reason he challenged the Chief was to gain time to think."

Ino was shocked, "You mean it wasn't because he is...because he is Naruto?" she asked trying to remain friendly.

"Do you even know who Naruto is?" Choji asked as he had his night snack.

Both girls stopped and stared at the boy…then at the rest of the group.

"You really don't see it?" TenTen asked shaking her head. "I have known him less than a week and I could tell Naruto maybe foolish and kinda stupid at times, a trait many kids his age have. But I knew he was more then he let on."

"That does not matter," Shika started. "What is wrong Naruto?"

"Hanabi," Naruto replied and Hinata jumped and looked at him. "Chief refused to meet her, speak with her in any way, and now this is five days since Chief basically destroyed the Hyuga elders."

"And your thinking they will do something to her out of revenge on the Chief?" Shikamaru asked. "possible, but remember, in their hate for Hinata they basically 'loved' the little future puppet. I think what they are doing in these days that we are away is trying even harder to win her loyalty to them."

"Really?" Hinata asked happy that Hanabi was safe from harm, scared as she did not want them to brainwash her sister.

"Yes," Kiba nodded. "I bet at least one of them thinks if they can control Hanabi...that will help them deal with Chief, I can tell you most other men would hesitate to harm their granddaughter, especially one so young."

"Chief," Naruto continued. "Is not most men, he won't hesitate."

"He won't have to," a voice broke the silence.

They turned and looked as Asuma, Genma, and Gai stepped up.

"Chief never forgot or forsook the young Hanabi?" Naruto asked as he spotted Dog behind the three men.

"Chief forsaking his family?" Gai started. "She is protected, though if her father doesn't get his act straight quickly he will put the little brat over his knee and tan her hide."

"Any way we could get you to tell us what he did?" Naruto asked looking back into the fire.

"Why the hell am I here?" the dark-haired brat asked again as she continued her hike through the woods, it was getting late and she had never been away from the compound this late before.

Ebisu just sighed internally as he led his group, Konohamaru the Hokage's grandson, and his two friends Udon and Moegi. Other known as the Konohamaru Army Corps, and to be honest he loved these kids. Their skills lacked but for eight-year-olds that were to be expected, but their fire and the fact they were a team willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with each other regarding a punishment for a prank. Some saw and believed that the Special Jonin hated the Uzumaki brat, but the truth was he was impressed by him.

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