Chapter 27

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Sasuke was beat, physically, emotionally and all other 'allys' someone could think of. The ANBU were merciless, they were also silent. The Uchiha couldn't think of a single one besides Dog that actually spoke, they just ran him hard rough and all-day long.

And those were long days, and when they stopped moving for the day, he was cooking everyone's meal and if he was lucky he was allowed to eat too. Luck rarely favored him on this trip, the only good thing was every night a medic would patch up his cuts bruises and broken bones. On the second day, he realized this was due to the fact they had no intention of giving him the mercy of death.

They marched him all day and half the night, beating him and degrading him. This was not training, this was humiliation. The only lesson he had learned was…never attack Hinata Hyuga, for any reason.

He still wanted to challenge Naruto, more now than ever. But he did not forget how easily Naruto beat him, nor how fast he was with the water Jutsu. Then there was that damn red energy…chakra…clock thing…whatever. He knew he had seen it that time fighting the plant, and he could swear he saw it again that night but even after all this time that night was still hazy.

All he knew about it was that it was another of Naruto's secrets that makes him strong, and Sasuke Uchiha wanted it.


His head hurt as Dog just caned him again. He was long pass asking, 'what for?' now he just took his hit with a small cry and quickly got back to whatever.

"How would you like to fight Naruto no holds barred?" Dog asked. It was the first question anyone had asked him since this started.

Sasuke could not hide his eagerness…and Dog could not hide the sigh.

"I want to fight him," Sasuke replied not even seeing it was a test.

"Well, you can't," Dog replied. "At least not as you are now."


"You will never fight him again, if you so much as even try to challenge him to a training spar." Dog walked around the boy. "I will burn that star off slowly, Strip you of your shinobi rank, and let Anko make you the last Uchiha."

Sasuke paled, this was no idle threat.

"Except…in a one on one tournament match," Dog continued catching the boys eye.

"The third part of the Chunin exams' is a one on one. If you pass the first two tests you get into the tournament. And I have no doubt you will face Naruto…provided you win all the matches. Course he has to get to the third round as well."

Sasuke was up looking at the ANBU, begging with his eyes.

"To bad though," Dog sighed and turned to walk away.

"What…what do you mean?"

"It is basically a one-shot deal, see if he gets promoted he will never have to enter another Chunin exam. And I know you won't be allowed to enter into the one coming up…the one Chief plans to enter Naruto."

"Why can't I enter?"

Dog sighed and so did several of the other ANBU, the boy set himself up so easily. Seriously it was almost funny if it wasn't so stupid.

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