Chapter 32

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Jiraiya sat at his table drinking his tea and reading, even though she was wearing his bright red vest, mail and his hair in its natural loose and spiky style. No one seemed to notice him. This showed his skill as his table was outside next to a busy street full of many people, especially women, but barely gave them a glance as he read the report. What he read both impressed him and upset him, as he had sent that report about Gato and wave over a year ago. Included every detail including pictures, and all but begged his sensei to do something.

The fact it took a year confused the Sage, the fact it took NARUTO to get the job done pissed him off. The boy was a natural, he could feel his student looking on from the afterlife with nothing but pride for his son.

But, the blonde was only twelve Jiraiya told himself. True due to a lot of mistakes, many belonged to the Sage himself, Naruto was forced to grow up faster than normal. That does not change the fact that WAVE should have been dealt with by older more seasoned Shinobi a year earlier. Putting the report down he rubbed his eyes, too many questions, he knew he had the best spy ring in the lands but if he did not know which question to ask, it became worthless.

This was why he was glad Chief had returned, the man always had a skill about knowing which question to ask, and right now Jiraiya had about a hundred questions taking him in every direction and no idea which one to start with.

'Maybe Mai can help' he thought.

He knew that his godson, the Nara boy, and Mai had left WAVE three days ago. Since that was the time this report was sent to him, and he was expecting them by tonight. A new thought crossed his mind and he had to shake his head and put the report away. He had a more important matter to deal with right now, he had yet to complete the mission he was sent here to do.

He still had not seen Tsunade, sure he was able to get her debt paid off and made sure no money lender would do business with her. That is why he sat at this table, he was literally in sight of the doors that led to every moneylender in Tanzaku Town. She had not shown up yet, 'and time was running out'.

Just as he thought those words a sound reached his ears, it was the sound of something heavy hanging in the air and swaying back and forth. He knew that sound anywhere and looking up he spotted them.

The most beautiful PAIR of...eyes.

True he also believed the Princesses' other pair had no equal, but most men thought that. He was sure few if any of her admirers ever even noticed the beauty of her eyes.

Tsunade was walking through the street a paper in her hands, Jiraiya knew that paper was proof her debt had been paid and it was clear as she walked into the first lender's door she was out for a loan.

He sat back in his chair and waited.

Tsunade had just left the sixth lender she hoped to get the money from, only to be denied again. What was this some kind of joke? First, she gets a letter stating her debt was cleared and that she could join the Annual poker tournament as long as she could come up with the entrance fee. The slug mistress grabbed her loyal serv... grabbed Shizune by the wrist and practically dragged her to Tanzaku Town.

When they arrived Shizune had suggested a hotel to rest but Tsunade would not listen, she rushed to Lenders Square. She actually stopped and regained her composure before walking into the square in order to not look desperate, when she entered the first money lenders store,

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