2 years!!

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It's that time of year again friends! November has come around again, and that means that this book has been up for around 2 years now. I'm about to cry tears of joy as I write this, but I just want to thank you all for the support you've given and that you continue to give me. I haven't forgotten any of you who have shown your support, and I think of you all every day. I also haven't forgotten my promise to do a Q&A once I reach 50k reads. We are very close (49.7k!!) and I am so so so glad to have all of this support. I wouldn't have nearly as many opportunities as I do if it weren't for you guys.

I know I've said this so so so many times before, but I mean it every time. Thank you for reading and for every bit of love you've given me.

Fallen Hero (Dabi x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now