Introduction and Information

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Your name is Y/N and you're a 20 year old girl living in Crown City with your mom. You're a third year college student and you have a huge passion for baking. 

You're an introverted and shy girl so you hardly open up to anyone, but you had three friends from Jasper, Nevada. Their names were Jack, Raf and Miko. You four were an inseparable pair. Unfortunately you had to move away since but you all still kept in touch with each other and made a group chat so you can still talk to each other.

One night after a long stressful day from college you couldn't sleep so you decided to take a midnight walk to the forest and that's when you met Thunderhoof who was a decepticon from a planet known as Cybertron. And since that day you've been with Steeljaw's pack. They were wanted criminals but Steeljaw stated he wished to live in peace now so you being the kind person that you are offered to help them learn more about this planet and live normal lives now. Thunderhoof wasn't the nicest bot to be around and he gets angry pretty easily, but you did consider him a friend. And the rest of the cons were like family to you as you spent more time with them. 

Anyway onto the Important stuff:

F/F means Favorite Food

F/S means Favorite Snack

F/C means Favorite Color

F/Sg means Favorite Song

F/G means Favorite Game

H/C means Hair Color

E/C means Eye Color


A/N: Sorry if any of the characters end up being OOC a bit. I'll try making their personalities as accurate as possible (with a little bit of comedy ofc). This is my first time writing a book and I haven't tried writing any stories irl in years. I've read many oneshot books and decided to gather up enough courage to try writing my first book online so I hope you all enjoy! 

As stated the love interest for the reader will be Thunderhoof because I adore the angry mafia moose.

If you ever have any ideas for a chapter feel free to suggest!

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