The Cons In An Escape Room

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I've never actually been to one before so this will just be small scenarios instead of how'd they react to doing an escape room by themselves


- Went to a train themed escape room

- Is pretty smart so he has no trouble doing this

- Solves all the clues pretty easily

- Messing around to see what other hidden rooms he can find

- Takes him no less than 30 minutes to complete the escape room

- Brags about how "easy" it was and ended up doing another right after


- Went to a prison themed escape room and immediately regretted it

- Doesn't know what the hell he's doing and having trouble finding any hints to escape

- Thinks he's got this and can do this on his own but ended up getting lost

- Wants to call Y/N for help because he doesn't know where to go

- Starts punching everything until he finds a secret door

- After an hour of punching and yelling at everything he finally got out and had an unamused look on his face


- Picked a wild west escape room

 - Is a pro at this because "nothing can stop him"

- Has no problem figuring out all the clues and hints

- His minicons treated it as some sort of playground and pressed every button they could find

- They all completed the escape room in 25 minutes, which was a record and they all felt accomplished


- He chose a submarine survival escape room

- This kid immediately got lost 5 minutes into the escape room because he's an idiot

- Started panicking and thought he was gonna die because he couldn't find a way to escape

- Hated every second of it and was begging to get out

- Eventually Y/N had to come help him and they got out within an hour an a half


- Went to a bank themed escape room

- Clueless at first on what to do but eventually figured it out

- He thought this was fun and wanted to do another right after

- Took his time searching for the clues and hidden rooms

- Escaped within 45 minutes and did a second escape room with Steeljaw

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