Roses fluff

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Short fluff

It was nighttime and Coriolanus and Sejanus were cuddled up in Sejanus' bed. It was raining outside. The TV was turned on but at low volume playing some weather channel with some dumb clown. Corio lay on top of Sejanus with his head buried into the other boys neck. Sejanus combed the boy's blonde locks with his fingers and lightly rubbed his back. There was always a scent of roses when he was around the snow boy which was strange especially because perfume was almost impossible to find. He decided to ask about it.

"Hey Corio how do you always smell like roses? Some of my shirts even have your rosé scent from us cuddling so much." He asked quietly with a chuckle.

Coriolanus looked up and he could see it embarrassed him a bit as his cheeks were a bit pink. "It's my Mother's powder compact. You know how she died awhile ago and I kept her compact. The scent reminds me of her and kinda calms me so I usually put some on. You probably think it's dumb." He tucked his face back into Sejanus neck avoiding his gave.

"No, I don't think it's dumb. It's sweet that you kept it." Sejanus replied as he lifted the snow's head so their eyes met. He kissed him gently and soft.

"Love you"
"Love you too"
"Good night"
"good night"

They slept cuddled into each other the rest of the night.

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