smut 2

393 5 19

The Plinth's apartment is about a ten minute walk from the academy. As the boys walk, none of them utter a word. They just walk together in silence. They reach a luxurious looking apartment complex, one that is far better than the Snow's. Coriolanus marvels at the sight as Sejanus opens the door. The Plinth's apartment is so spacious and yet so lived in at the same time. Both the boys take off their shoes by the front door and step inside.

"Ma," Sejanus shouts,"I hope you don't mind I brought Coriolanus over to have dinner with us." Sejanus makes his way to the kitchen with Coriolanus in pursuit. In the kitchen they find Mrs. Plinth, who is just pulling some fresh-baked cookies out of the oven.

"Why of course not dear. Any friend of yours is welcome here. Dinner will be ready in a little over a half hour, so you boys can grab some snacks then go do as you please."

"Thank you," They both say in unison. Grabbing a few cookies for themselves. Sejanus beckons Coriolanus down a hallway and into his bedroom. Sejanus has a king sized mattress with dark red sheets and a matching canopy. His bookshelf is lined with an interesting assortment of different literature and trinkets. There is also an old wooden desk with a small lamp on top on the wall opposite of the bed.

Coriolanus stands in the doorway observing Sejanus's room. Sejanus walks past him and flops down on his bed. He pats the spot next to him, inviting Coriolanus to come lay next to him. Coriolanus approaches the bed cautiously before moving to lay next to Sejanus. They lay there, basking in the sunlight that shines through Sejanus' window. Coriolanus feels the bed shift as Sejanus turns to lay on his side, facing Coriolanus. Coriolanus also shifts so that he is facing the other boy, but refrains from making eye contact. Sejanus moves closer so their face are inches apart. Coriolanus's can feel Sejanus's hot breath against his cheek.

Sejanus cups his cheek and leans in for a kiss. It is hesitantly reciprocated. The kiss is chaste until Corio moans softly into the kiss. Sejanus then deepens the kiss, pressing his tongue against Corio's lips. Coriolanus parts his lips slightly and lets Sejanus slip his tongue into his mouth. The boys lay there on their sides, making out, until Sejanus pushes Coriolanus onto his back and moves to hover over him, putting his hands on either side of the paler boys head. Sejanus begins to kiss down Coriolanus's neck, sucking marks into his delicate skin. The blond arches into Sejanus, making both of the boys groan at the friction. Sejanus begins to unbutton Coriolanus's shirt. When he finishes he leaves the open shirt on. He begins to kiss down Coriolanus's chest, lower, and lower until he starts kissing his stomach. Coriolanus looks at him through half-lidded eyes. He reaches up, and begins to unbutton Sejanus's shirt, letting it fall onto the floor. The boys grind together, kissing each other desperately. Sejanus reaches down and unbuttons Corio's pants, sliding them off and throwing them on the floor. Sejanus slips his hand into Corio's boxers, grabbing his fully hard erection. Corio moans and arches into the touch, taking a hold of Sejanus's shoulders.

Sejanus is just about to unbutton his own pants but is stopped in his tracks when he hears Ma yell from the kitchen, "Boys dinner is ready." Coriolanus huffs out a sigh and rubs his hand over his temple before pushing Sejanus off of him.

"What are we supposed to do about these," Sejanus asks, gesturing to their crotches.

"Just imagine Dean Highbottom naked, trust me it works." Corio says with a laugh. They both stand up. Coriolanus buttoning his pants and Sejanus searching for his shirt.

"Ok, but how did you know that it work? Do you picture Dean Highbottom naked every time you have to suppress a boner?" Sejanus asks teasingly, turning so his back is to Coriolanus

"Holy shit, did I do that to your back," Corio exclaims, happy to change the subject. There are long red claw marks down Sejanus's back. Most likely from earlier when they were in the art room.

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