Club (angst)

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Sejanus pov
I sat in my bed staring mindlessly at the TV, my thoughts wandering. I was home alone because Ma and Pa were at dinner with someone from his work and the house felt silent. I was so lonely and bored. I couldn't help thinking about Corio. I wanted him to be with me right now. Me and Corio had been hooking up for awhile now but were just friends with benefits if you could even call us friends. He made sure of that and God was it taking a toll on me. I had tried to stop and distance myself but every time he showed me affection I couldn't resist. I knew he didn't like me because I had heard him talk shit about me with his capital friends but when I was with him he was friendly and charming and perfect. He was one of the only people in the capital that were nice to me. But he was dating Clemmie now I think or maybe Lucy gray. I had seen him kiss them both in the last week. I knew he didn't like me as much as I liked him but I couldn't help wanting him. He had been distancing himself from me. We had fought recently about it.

I needed a drink to get my mind off things so I decided to go to a club. I got up and changed out of my uniform into a white button up shirt with black pants. The avox drove me to Pulribus's club. Once I stepped into the club the overwhelming music flooded my ear and my eyes adjusted to the low lighting. I walked to the bar and ordered a drink. Two men approached me and we began talking flirtatiously, he ordered me quite a few drinks.

Coriolanus pov
I was at Clemmies house. She was cuddled up next to me. I think she likes me but this whole relationship was basically arranged by her parents and Grandmam. We had just resolved a fight about Lucy gray. Clemmie was mad that I kissed Lucy on TV but I explained to her that it was just PR and business and that she's the only girl I "love". Technically not a lie she shouldn't be worrying about other girls. The phone rang and I got up to answer.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. I could hear loud music and people in the back. Who was this?

"Hey Corio, this is Pluribus. Your boyfriend, or whatever your situation is now, is down here and very drunk around some not so good men. I think you should come get him." Plurbus said in a concerned voice.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there as soon as possible." I responded trying to control my nerves and anger as I hung up. 

"I have to go Clemmie, I'm sorry. Tigris called and needs me to pick her up." I lied to her as I walked over and kissed her hand.

"Okay, drive safe." She responded.

I rushed out the door throwing on a coat and grabbing the keys to the car her dad had bought for me. My mind flooded with worried thoughts about Sejanus. Was he in danger? Had he fought with his dad again? Why was he so drunk? Would those men hurt him? Did he want them over me? I became angry at the thought of him being with other men and of them hurting him. He was mine.

I parked the car in the lot outside and burst through the doors. Navigating through people dancing and talking. I quickly tried to find him. When I saw him my blood boiled. He was sitting on a black leather couch with two older men on either side of him. Both men looked to be in their thirties. Sejanus' shirt was unbuttoned exposing his chest and neck. One man sucked hickeys on Sejanus' neck and chest while the other made out with him. I wanted to kill those men. I walked over to them and Sejanus and the other man pulled apart. Sejanus' eyes were dilated and he was very drunk and out of it.

"Corio?" Sejanus said, confused as he looked up at me.

"You know this guy?" the man who was kissing his neck asked, annoyed.

"Yeah, we're friends and it's time for him to go now." I responded with my anger rising. I saw Sejanus' face sadden a bit.

"Ohh really. Well I think he was just fine with us. So you can stop interrupting" The man replied angrily.

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