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Minji’s lost count of the months she’s been hanging around with her. They’ve grown as best friends, to the point where they’ve already been to each other’s houses, and she even met Hanni’s family.
Yeah, that part still hasn’t sunk in her mind to this day.
She even remembers Hanni’s initial reaction to entering her house.
"You only have a couch.” She points at it, looking at Minji, as if she was expecting some
sort of explanation.
“Yeah…? Is there anything wrong with that?” She has no clue on what this woman is trying to imply.
“Not even a TELEVISION?”
“I have a laptop. I can watch the news there.”
“That’s different! A TV isn’t only for news!” Hanni immediately shakes Minji’s shoulders, moving her hands to cup the tallers face.
“I don’t- I’m not into shows, Hanni!”
Hanni's so focused on her lack of furniture and fun that she doesn’t notice how the tips of
Minji’s ears are turning red.
She knows it’s not her business to question other people’s lives but Minji is different. She doesn’t even have any decorations on her walls, it even looked like she just moved in here despite the years she had already stayed in this house.
“How do you even live here...” Hanni pouts, plopping herself onto the couch, “I bet you took the word ‘bedroom’ literally and only have a bed sitting there.”
“Why are you so pressed over my living conditions anyway?” She giggles, finding her so
“So I’m right?!” Hanni frowns even more.
“Answer me first!” Minji laughs at her face.
(Hanni isn’t wrong. Minji's bedroom indeed only has a closet and a bed sitting there.)
“It’s so sad to see you like this, having to wake up in a cold, empty room, and it’s like you
don’t even care, like you’re just living for the purpose of staying alive…aren’t you sad here? always alone?”
Minji’s teasing smile turns into one of fondness, she softly taps Hanni's cheek, the girl quickly looking back at her.
“Always alone indeed, but I’m never lonely.”

Minji didn’t really care about anything, but it was never mentioned that she didn’t care about anyone .
She’s human, being human means you have emotions.
Being too caught up in living the same life wondering about how others live better than her, she forgets about herself. Minji forgets that she’s human, that she cares. She forgets that she’s capable of understanding everyone else despite the differences in their lives. She forgets that she can change too, that she can slowly adapt to new things.
She never felt lonely, and someone in the name of Hanni made her realize this, she always made her Saturdays different. Now, she’s one step closer to making her entire life change.  Yet this still doesn’t change the fact that Minji was completely in fear.
They both knew it, they both understood each other without having to say it, but none of them was even trying to make a move.
Minji doesn’t want them to stay like this, but she also doesn’t want to hurt her either.

“Well then, what do you say about helping me re-decorate my house?” She asks, and Hanni panics as she turns her head to look at her.
“No! I mean- you don’t have to change anything if you’re comfortable living like this. It’s just that I’m not used to it and it’s so different from my house and-“
“You are going with me to turn my house into a home.” Minji completely interrupts Hanni and quickly, yet gently, takes her hand and leads her to her car.
“Minji, aren't you doing this so suddenly?” Hanni questions her every move but still willingly sits in the passenger’s seat herself.
“Yeah, and? Besides, I too, think my interior needs a makeover.” Minji's already driving.
“That’s not what I meant! How are you gonna buy it all?”
She softly brakes the car on the side of the street.
“You little- I’m not doing all of that in one day! I’m obviously gonna plan it out first, and
with that, I’m gonna need your help.”
“I’m just an artist, not an interior designer!” Hanni exclaims, though the smile on her face still remains.
“As if I’m an interior designer myself!” Minji chuckles.
“I’m too broke to hire a professional, and it’s more fun this way, I want to do this with you.”
When Hanni finally can’t retaliate, Minji shifts the gear to drive again.
“Alright then, BUT if I destroy something in your house, that’s not gonna be my problem
“Don’t even try.” Minji jokingly glares at her and notices Hanni blushing as she laughs.

The woman’s thoughts get interrupted when she feels the subject of her memories slightly shift on top of her.
No matter how much Sooyoung tried to convince her to go back home, the girl still insisted on staying with her, wanting to help Minji assemble two cabinets she bought, as well as to apply the newly bought wallpaper on her walls.
It took them 5 hours with little breaks in between to do all of the work, and as soon as they finished, Hanni immediately jumped into her arms in complete exhaustion. They ended up sitting down on her couch for a while, and the older woman didn’t realize that Hanni had
already fallen asleep.
Now, they were both lying down on the same couch, with her on top of Minji, clinging to her like a koala, and her head resting on the taller’s chest Hanni shifts to stretch her legs a bit, then Minji feels her freeze.
“Don’t panic, it’s just me.” She giggles.
“Mhm…” Hanni hums, her voice scratchy from just waking up.
She finally lifts her head off from Minji's chest, her eyes still droopy, slowly blinking
them to see her clearly.
“I’ll be going home now, sorry for keeping you awake. I must’ve been heavy.” Hanni rubs Minji's arm in gratitude.
“It’s fine, but I think you should stay, Hanni. It’s 2am.” She replies, fixing the girl’s bangs.
Hanni's sleepiness suddenly disappears, her eye widening in shock.
“Oh my god, Minji. You really didn’t even think of waking me up?! My family probably
thinks I’ve been kidnapped or-“
“Kidnapped? Calm down! I already texted your dad that you’re still here with me. I even sent
him a picture of you sleeping with your mouth open.”
“Why would you do that?!” She whines, and the other snorts.
“Proof for your family, a reaction meme for myself.” Her tone is mischievous, and Hanni playfully smacks her shoulder.
“Get up, I’ll start the car now.” She tries to lift Hanni off her but the girl only pushes them
back down.
“And where are you going at this hour?”
“I thought you said you wanted to go home- ow!”
Hanni nuzzles into her neck, her head bumping a little too hard into Minji's chin.
“I’m staying, idiot. Sorry for this…” She quickly glances to see where she hit her, kissing her chin in apology. This time, she finally notices Minji's ears turning red.
“Does your head not hurt?” Minji is successful in prying the attention off her, and Hanni shakes her head.
“Well then, I guess it makes sense that you’re....hard-headed“
Complete silence envelops the thin air.
“God, that was so corny. You’re lame.” Hanni playfully rolls her eyes, nuzzling back into the crook of Minji's neck to hide her grin. She is not letting that horrible joke get to her at all.
“I can practically feel your smile on my neck.”
“No.” Jiwoo replies, still smiling


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