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Hanni tightly holds onto her hand as they exit the hospital.

She's shaking, and it causes Minji to worry a little, noticing the way Hanni fiddles with the handles of her bag. But before she could ask, Hanni speaks before her.

"I can't believe it's done already. What if I change my mind?"

Minji giggles, soothing her girlfriend by rubbing circles on her hand using her thumb.

"You've stuck to your decision for months and question now that it's done?"

Hanni smiles, tugging their hands, walking to the car. "I mean, the doctor said I could just rip out the contract if I actually do."

The interview wasn't that long. Hanni's doctor/surgeon asked her the usual questions, including what her reason was for deciding to sign a DNR, and if she considered making a will since she technically does have a small art business. He also said that this choice was safe for Hanni, as receiving CPR could further damage her already-ill ribs and lungs. It only took them twenty minutes before Hanni and the doctor officially signed the contract.

Once Minji's on the road, Hanni calls her family on facetime, her parents using one phone while Jungwon answers with his own because he's in college. She pans the camera to Minji so they could exchange greetings shortly before announcing the entire thing.

They all knew it anyway, so they treated it as if it was nothing huge, only giving Hanni heartfelt and uplifting messages. The call ended as quickly as it started, as everyone was busy at this time.

The entire ride home was silent, the couple processing what's happened, drowning
themselves in their own thoughts. Minji goes for a drive-thru at one of their favorite fast-food chains for their lunch, and after, it's quiet again.

She parks in her garage, jogging to open Hanni's door, as usual. She takes the paper bag of their lunch from her.

"Such a gentlewoman." Hanni snorts.

Minji only chuckles, holding her hand and dragging her inside.

The couple eats their lunch silently as well. A box of fried chicken, two fries, two burgers, with an additional sundae for Hanni. Minji knew she loved their strawberry sundaes. She stares at her as she eats, feeling bittersweet.

Mostly because Minji realizes that a time will eventually come where Hanni not happily munching in front of her anymore, not sitting on her couch, making a mess in their kitchen, no more tiny splatters of paint scattered on their floor that she has to mop off most of the time, no more waking up in the morning or the middle of the night with Hanni softly snoring beside her anymore too. Although it doesn't make her cry, it simply just causes her to sigh in acceptance, so Minji quietly watches her, wanting to remember every single detail on Hanni's face, her scent, her habits, her voice, and her warmth, so she won't forget her presence too quickly when she's gone.

"Are you sad?" Hanni notices her staring, wiping her mouth with a tablecloth.

Minji doesn't flinch or get startled by the sudden words after minutes of silence from the car and from eating right now. She's completely unfazed. Her eyes remain the same, looking straight into Hanni's.

"Was it too obvious?" Minji softly laughs, drinking her glass of water, trying to drown the sudden heaviness in her chest, but it doesn't. She fails.

"A little." Hanni giggles with her, helping Minji fix the table as she stands up and gathers the now-empty boxes as they've both finished eating. She watches Minji walk to the sink and decides to follow behind her.

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