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It's a Saturday, so no one has to wake up in panic, especially Minji. She gets up with her hair scattered in all sorts of directions, her mouth dry, and eye gunk that she aggressively rubs away with the back of her hand. She sits, spacing out for some time before standing up and walking to the other side of the bed to wake Hanni up.

She nudges her, Minji already smiling from the sight of Hanni's face, "Babe, let's make
some breakfast."

If Hanni didn't want to rise, then Minji would just make breakfast by herself and wake
her after. But today felt different, she felt like she needed Hanni to cook alongside her this time.

"Babe...Hanni." She practically shakes her shoulders now, even pinching her, but Hanni isn't responding. Not even the usual whine she would make when she wouldn't want to stand up yet.

Minji's sleepiness suddenly disappears, her eyes wider than before. She gulps, the hand on Hanni's shoulder suddenly frozen.

"No." Minji shakes her head as she stands on her knees, putting two fingers on Hanni's neck, trying to get her pulse rate. She tilts her head in confusion, checking her own, checking Hanni's, her own, then Hanni's again. Minji bites her lip in frustration, putting a finger under Hanni's nose, then using her other hand to check Hanni's pulse on her wrist. Nothing.

Minji just stays there, hands off Hanni, staring at her in an expression she can't explain.

She slowly sits down, taking deep breaths, one second from tearing up. If she could only perform CPR right now...
"Hanni..?" It came out of her throat like a broken cry, but no tears were on Minji's face. Oh.

Minji closes her eyes, her fists enclosed. She stays like this for a few seconds before
gulping and reaching for her phone on the bedside table. It rings and is quickly answered, thankfully.

"Hello. Minji?" It's Hanni's mother, she's heard evidently cooking breakfast herself, the
noise of chopping reaching her line.

"Mother?" She has to have the courage and strength to say this now.

"Is there something wrong, my dear?"

"Hanni has...passed."

And those three words were enough to bring the whole family to their house after only ten minutes, Hanni's doctors and an ambulance following not long after.


The doctors confirm hanni's death, every single member of the family crying except for Minji, who looks like she's just in pain.

"But she was just fine yesterday, what happened?"

"Ms. Hanni is very strong, dear." The doctor smiles, patting her shoulder, "she'd seemingly managed to shrug off the little pains in her chest and slept, thinking it would go away."

"But she looked-"

"She wasn't fine, but she wanted you to think she was."

The dots connect in Minji's brain, and she blinks numerous times trying to grasp the situation at hand. The memory of the night before suddenly clouds her mind.

"Minji."Hanni calls in a whisper, poking her back so she could face her.

Minji hums as she settles her book off to the side, turning around and pulling Hanni in
for a hug, softly replying, "Yeah?"

She weakly smiles, obviously sleepy, "Did you know that I dream about you everyday?"

"Everyday?" Minji almost gasps, "That's different."
"Yeah." Hanni laughs, "I like it though." She snuggles into Minji's arms even more, "Do you dream about me too?"
Minji hums in thought, "Of course I do, but it's not everyday. And my dreams are random at times. Why?"

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