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It's kind of ironic to say that Hanni's legs hurt from laying down for too long, but that's really how she feels. She's been forced against her will, to spend 24/7 on her hospital bed. She hasn't stood up for what felt like years.
(It was actually 3 months, but it's understandable for someone like Hanni, who liked to walk around every single day.)
She groans angrily, slightly making Minji's head turn who seemed to be incredibly
focused on a phone game, i.e, Wordle.
"You alright?" Minji asks, eyes still stuck to her screen, knowing that it's Hanni just
complaining for the nth time today for being unable to stand up.
"No." Hanni sighs, fiddling around with the oxygen cannula dangling beside her bed.
"You do know that you're allowed to walk, right?" Minji finally drops her phone, grabbing a chair and sitting next to Hanni's bed.
"What's the use of walking when I can't even go outside." She then coughs lightly,
dramatically turning her head away, and Minji laughs.
"Stand up, babe."
Hanni still has her head facing the other way, only side-eyeing Minji in; confusion.
"I said I'm not allowed to go outside-"
"I know." Minji gently cups her cheek to face her, "Who said I was taking you outside
anyway? Just get up, come on~"
'What's her plan?' Hanni thinks, yet follows her anyway. Minji gently adjusts her hospital bed, raising it to a sitting position, and she holds Hanni's arms, gently guiding the girl to stand on her feet.
She manages to stand, albeit with a little difficulty, but Minji keeps her stable with an arm around supporting the small of her back.
"Why are you making me do this?" Hanni mutters as she hooks her arms around Minji's neck, the taller one smiles.
"Remember that dance your mother taught me?" She gently leads Hanni away from her hospital bed, along with her oxygen tank, walking to the space just in front of the couch and next to the window. The curtains were moved to the side, and the sun was shining brightly,
enough to lighten up the whole room.
Hanni smiles back at the memory, "You meant waltz." She chuckles, and Minji rolls her eyes. "Sorry, I don't do ballroom."
"I never got the chance to do it with you, so..." Hanni notices her ears turning red, and it reminded her of the days when they haven't confessed to each other yet.
"You think I can dance in this condition?"
"That's why we're trying ."
This time, Hanni rolls her eyes instead, "There's no music."
Minji then removes one of her hands from Hanni's waist, reaching out to grab her phone on the couch, "That isn't a problem." They both share a giggle.
She presses the first waltz audio compilation that appears in the searches, they both listen for a while before Minji slides her phone into her pocket, with its speaker facing up so the volume wouldn't get muffled up.
Hanni starts it off and she follows, holding her left hand with her right, Hanni resting her other hand on the taller's upper arm as Minji gently holds the higher part of her back.
"Please don't make me trip into my oxygen tank."
"You won't. It's not like I'm going to twirl you that aggressively." She protests, and Hanni only laughs in return.
They wait for a few seconds, and as the triple-metred waltz comes back to the first beat, they begin to move.
It's slow, and they're staring at each other with lovesick eyes as they spin around the room. A younger Minji would find this gross, seeing her future self foolishly infatuated, but that doesn't matter now. Not when Hanni's smile is reaching her ears. It was genuine this time, unlike the times when she'd have to force it out so no one would be so concerned about her.
"I know this song..." Hanni giggles for absolutely no reason, and Minji feels butterflies in her stomach, like she was falling in love all over again.
"You do?"
"Yeah. It's Wiener Blut. My father always made sure to have this song played whenever our families had gatherings." Hanni explains, and Minji listens attentively.

The song's pace quickens, as well as the couple's spins. Hanni bursts into laughter when Minji accidentally hits her foot on the wall. She hisses, but the pain becomes nonexistent in a few seconds. Hanni's laugh is her favorite sound, she could listen to it on repeat for the rest of her life.
Halfway through the song, Hanni only realizes how she can actually dance well in her condition, her slight grin turns into a beam once again, intriguing Minji.
"We can do this normally, come on." Before Minji could even reply, Hanni takes the
initiative, pulling her arm, spinning themselves around much more powerfully than earlier.
It's not long since Minji catches up, and they're both finally utilizing the space in the hospital room, like there's a real prom going on.
The hesitant sways turn graceful, elegant, and stronger. Minji proudly smiles at Hanni, "I knew you could still move perfectly." She lightly squeezes her hand on Minji's arm, a way of replying to her.
It was as if they were in their own world, like Hanni was never sick in the first place, and Minji wasn't stressed out by the multiple files waiting for her at her job.
They're so focused on each other that none of them notices the slight open creak on the door, Hanni's whole family watching the both of them dance beautifully, their gazes full of affection.
" God, I feel like I could die peacefully knowing that she has such a wonderful woman who cares for her..." The mother chokes as she tears up, her husband also starting to cry along with his giggles. Even Hanni's own brother who absolutely rebuked PDA couldn't help but swoon over them, his own smile reaching his ears by the simple sight of his sister being so happy.

I apologise about the latenesses bc i have im unvi exams and my major is not that easy :'') so i have to focus and study hard ....
I will do my best to update
Please Tell if there is any mistakes 💖✨

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