You guys are perfect!!!

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Ana's POV

"ANAAAA IM NERVOUS!!!" Cris screamed. "Dude I'm right here, no need to shout!"

So yeah, today we were going to meet up with the band and we don't know any of them so we have no clue how they look like. We got out of the car and we got in the mall. We walked a few minutes and then we finally reached Starbucks.

"I don't see them... What if they dished us? Or what if we are late? Or what if we are too early-" "Cris calm the fuck down, I think it's them..." I said pointing to a group of four people.

There was three guys and a girl. The girl had black and green hair, one of the boys had brown hair and the other two had black hair.

We approached them and I asked "hey are you guys the ones who are looking for singers?" "Oh yeah, you girls the ones who tweeted us?" the girl asks. "Yup" Cris says, popping up the "p" at the end.

All six of us were talking for few hours, they were mostly asking us the typical question like how old are you, what kind of music you like... Etcetera...

We found out the the girl's name was Jess and the she played bass, she was 17 years old. The brown headed boy was Max and he played guitar, 18, the black headed one with the piercing was Oliver and he played drums,20, and the other one was Kyle and he played guitar and he was 19 years old.

"You girls seem perfect for the band, but we need to hear you sing first, do you think you could come at our place?" Kyle asked. "Yeah sure, do we go now?" Cris asks. "if you guys want to start creating songs together then yes" Jess says. "Okay well let's go"


We got back to our car and we entered the address that they gave us into the gps. Couple minutes later Cris and I arrived at a small brown house, we parked our car and got out,the guys were getting out of their car and they got in the house with us following them.

"Welcom en mi casa" Max says with a fake Spanish accent. "Nice place" I murdered. "Do you know how to say welcome in Spanish?" Cris asked. "Nope" he says.

We followed the guys to the basement, their were a few of their instruments, 2 electric guitars and a acoustic, a bass and a drum kit. Their were also four mic stands.

"Okay so both of you go infront of the mics and sing us a song" Kyle says. I took Cris' hand and went into the corner of the room to discuss about wich song.

"Omg let's sing Sweet Dreams." Cris says. "Okay you do the first part I'll do the second" We then walked back to the mics and Cris started to sing:

"Sweet dreams are made of these
Who am I to disagree
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody is looking for something"

Then I finished:

"Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused"

We then stopped and all four of them had their jaws hanging low.

"FUCK YEAH" Max screamed! "You girls are in!!!" Oliver yelled. "Damn you guys are perfect" Jess said.

Both Cris and I were blushing, we have never really sang infront of people. We would usually sing infront of Cris' parents but like never to people we didn't know.

"Okay so let's start by choosing a few songs to do covers on and posting them on YouTube, then Oliver you'll find us some gigs cause like we don't know how, Max you'll go take off all the flyers and Cris, Ana, Kyle and I will find a band name" Jess says.

The rest of the day we've been choosing band names and songs. For the songs we chose:
-We Only Come Out At Night by MIW
-Knives and Pens by BVB
-Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson
-Bring Me To Life by Evanescence
-Situations by Escape The Fate
-Miss Murder by AFI
-Dead City Radio by Rob Zombie
-Bulletproof Love by PTV

And for the band names we had to choose between:
-The Useless
-Black Hearts

But he have decided to use The Useless.

"Okay so we have that covered... Should we start practicing the songs?" Oliver asked

"Yeah let's do it" Cris and I said. I think we will go pretty far with these guys.

A/N: I still think that these chapters are too short!!!

Okay anyways, hope you liked it and the next one will be soon!! It might be confusing cause imma do a fast forward so like the girls will be 24 years old...

BTW: pic of the band members!!!

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