5 years later

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Ana' POV

So for these past few years we had a blast, we've become kind of popular around the US, we actually made it. After we found these guys, we hade small little gigs around the country.

A year later we had a record deal so it was amazing. We then participated at Warped tour 2013 and 2014.

This year we've been told that we are going to be touring with two other bands all around America and Europe, but our manager didn't say anything yet.

Right now, Cris and i are just siting in the living room, watching some movies.

"Cris? Who do you think we are going to tour with?" I asked. "I have no clue..." She sighed.

I was really getting bored so I took out my phone and scrolled threw Twitter. Saw a lot of tweets about us, our fans are amazing. Suddenly, a tweet from Chris Motionless caught you eye.

So excited!!! We are going to be the opening act with Black Veil Brides for The Useless. I've been listening to these guys for the past year and I can honestly say that Ana and Cris are two amazing singers! #cantwait #theuseless

This can't be true ... No way in hell!!

"OH MY LORD JESUS HALLELUJAH!!!!" I screamed. Cris was scared to death that she actually fell of the couch.

"What ... What the hell Ana ?!?" She yelled.

"You won't believe this!!!"

"Whaaaat ?? Just tell me" she says with annoyance.

"We are touring with Motionless and BVB!!!!" I yelled.

Cris' jaw dropped, then seconds later, she started to jump around screaming. "OH MY FUCKING GOD" She yelled.

After a few more minutes of jumping and screaming, we called the rest of the band by Skype, telling them the news... At first they didn't believe us but then I told them to check out Chris Motionless' tweet. They then started to scream threw the computer screen.

"Wow this is amazing" I sighed. "I know" Cris says.

After all these years of knowing these two bands, being their biggest fans. Not only do we finally get to meet them, but we are actually going to tour with them.

"Omg if Chris tweeted about the tour, maybe the rest of his band also? Maybe BVB tweeted the news too?" Cris remarked. "True, let's check!!"

Super exited to be a part of The Useless tour!! #yayyy

Who new that Cris and Ana could do amazing screamos like that!! They're even better than @chrismotionless

@Balzmiw shut up.... Plus Ana is super hot soooooo ... DIBS!! #hopeshedoesntseethis

Did he actually tweet that? Trying my best not to blush right now. I really want to respond but what would I say? Yeah no, I'm just gonna pretend like I didn't see this tweet.

So basically for MIW, only Chris, Josh and Ricky tweeted about the tour, so now let's check BVB

Extremely excited about this upcoming tour with The Useless. Can't wait to meet them, especially Cris.


Happy to know that we'll be one of the opening acts of The Useless. These girls are super good!! Been listening to them since their latest album release.

This is amazing!! We'll be touring with two wonderful girls and their band!! Plus: does anyone think that Cris looks a lot like me? #amitheonlyone ?

Huh CC is kind of right; Cris does look like him.

Anyways, for BVB there was only Andy, Ash and CC.

"This is actually happening!!" Cris said. "Yup, our dream became a reality" I said.


Hours later

Since today was the best day of our lives, we've decided to go celebrate, so the band and a few of our crew went to go to one of our favorite bars.

We've been here for the past three hours and I can honestly say that Cris and I were very Drunk.

"Guys go home and sleep" Jess says. "But I don't waaannaaaa" I whine. Okay yeah, Im feeling a little too dizzy right now. I took another shot of vodka, thinking that it'll help but it didn't.

"You dumbass, drinking more will cause more pain" Kyle says.

"Dude where's Cris" max asked. He's right... Where is she?

I got up from my seat, but then I fell face first to the ground. I couldn't help myself but to laugh.

"C'mon get up, let's find Cris and I'll bring you home" Oliver said. He gave me a hand and helped me up.

We searched the whole bar but she wasn't anywhere, so we got outside.

She was sitting in the middle of the road, looking up to the sky.

"Cris c'mon let's go" Oliver yelled, leaving me alone to go and get her. I then waited inside cause it was too cold.

Few seconds later, both of them walked inside and then Oli took my hand and we went straight to his car.

"Can we listen to some Escape the Fate?" Cris asked. Oli didn't say anything, he just plugged in his phone and the song Ungrateful started to play.

Few minutes later we arrived to our apartment.

"Okay ladies be safe, gnight" he says. "Gniiight" Cris and I says at the same time. We then get out of the car and straight to the elevator.

We were at the second floor and the doors started open, why is it opening when we need to go to the ninth floor?

Suddenly, a tall male figure in a suit walked in. He had tattoos everywhere and he shaved both sides of his head so his black hair was only on top. This guy was sexy. Do I know him?

"You look familiar" I mumble to myself.

"Dude shushhh" Cris said.

The tall man then turned to face us and I couldn't believe my eyes...

"Oh you're Ana and Cris from The Useless" he said with a deep sexy voice.

"You're uhm..... Uuhhmm-" "haha, Chris Motionless, it's finally nice to meet you" he smiled.

That gorgeous smile of his makes me want to melt every time.

"I'll take the stairs" Cris says, getting out on the next floor with a big ass smirk on her face.

Thanks a lot bitch.

Hope you guys like this chapter... Sorry if I updated late ^~^

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