What the fuck do i do?!

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Cristina's POV

"Open up you little whore!" She screamed outside the bus. Oh my lord!!! Why is she here!!

"Cristina? Cris are you still with me?" Andy said on the other line on the phone. "Yeah sorry, I'm still here"

"Are you alone in the bus?" He asked. I looked around and went in the back of the bus... The only person that I saw was our manager John.

"I found John" I tell Andy.

"Perfect, now tell him Juliet is outside and you don't want to see her, and that he should kick her out." Andy tells me... That's actually not a bad plan.

So I go to the manager and tell him exactly what Andy told me to do. John nods and goes outside but next thing I know; Juliet barges in and comes running straight to me with her death glare.

If only looks could kill...

I might be dead by now.

She jumps onto me and starts hitting me and yelling at me that I'm a slut. That bitch should've known that I've got a black belt at home.

I punched her straight to the jaw. Kicked her off of me. Grabbed her by the hair and pulled her outside of the bus.

That's when everyone decides to come back to their buses, so they all looked at us.

Juliet in tears, me... I guess I was proud of myself...

"What the actual fuck Juliet!!" Cc yelled

I looked around and I saw everyone except for Ana, Ricky and Kuza... Ana was on her date, but where's Kuza?

"Why are you here Juliet?" Jinxx asked.

"Cause this bitch is stealing my boyfriend" she yells. And, just for my pleasure, I punched her right in the noes...

"What the fuck Cris!! You didn't have to do that" Balz yelled.

"She called me a bitch... A whore... And a slut" I said. Balz just looked at me, suprised, but he said nothing else.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Ashley walking away slowly with a guilty look. I dropped Juliet's hair, making her head bang the floor, and looked straight at Ashley...

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked crossing my arms.

"I - uuuh..." And just like that he starts running away... He had something to do with Juliet... I know it! So I ran after him.

During the whole Juliet/Cris fight...
Ana's POV

All night!! I kept thinking about the kiss that Chris and I had... I can't do this to Ricky...

"Hey Ana you okay?" Ricky asked. I looked at him and all I saw was his cute little blue eyes... I looked down knowing that what I'm about to tell him will cause him so much sadness ...

"No not really... Rick I gotta tell you something..." I stopped walking and looked at him. He looked back at me with those eyes, looking all worried... Mmm he's making things worse...

"Yeah what is it?" He asked.

" I - uuuh I ..."

"Hey Ricky!! Ana!! Let's go back to the buses... Something's up with Cristina, think there's a fight with Juliet" Kuza yelled and came running at us.


Yeah no never mind...

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