Day 2 Winnipeg

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Cristina's POV

During the whole ride to Winnipeg, I've been thinking about Andy and Juliet. I mean, she can't just break up with him because we were on stage together.

"Dude!! Let's go, we're here!" Max yelled, he then opened up my bunk curtain.

"Hey you okay? You look sad" he says. I just nod and get out of my bunk and straight to the bathroom.

I cleaned myself up and got dressed for today. I got out of the bathroom, and I accidentally bumped into Kyle.

"Hey your up, you ready for today?" He asks and I just nod. It's funny how I'm not talking that much this morning, but I mean, I have a lot in mind.

"Hey Cris, Andy gave me his number and he wanted you to have it" Ana came up from the kitchen, handing me a piece of paper. I looked at it and saw a number. There was also something behind the paper.

Text me, I wanna talk :)

I couldn't help but to blush by his cute little gesture. So I quickly add his number and text him.

C: hey you wanted to text?

A: yeah, wanna meet up somewhere so we could talk?

C: sure where and when?

A:like now, I'm outside your bus xx

I got up from my the couch and saw Andy leaning on the bus, smoking one of his cigarets. To be honest, every time he inhaled a smoke, it kind of turned me on.

I quickly went to the bathroom to check how I looked and then I got out of the bus to meet those beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey" I said, a little nervous.

"Hey" God that deep voice of his will be the death of me one day.

"So why you wanted to meet up" I asked.

"Just to see you" he says. I quickly looked down to hide my pink cheeks. Andy noticed and chuckled a little. He then comes close to me and, with his fingers, he takes my chin and brings it up so I could see his eyes.

"Don't hide from me, you're beautiful" he says. I couldn't say anything, I was speechless. He leaned closer and closer till our lips were centimeters away. And then...

"Yoo!! Andy!!! We gotta prepare for tonight!! Let's goo!!" Ashley screamed. I looked behind Andy and saw him crossing his arms. Damn, what's his deal.

"Sorry hun, I got to go" he looked at me and smirked. Then, taking me by surprise, he kisses my cheek.

"See you on stage Cris" he says. Then he just leaves me there, mixed emotions.

"Wow, what the hell just happened" I asked myself. Covering my cheek, where he kissed, with my hand.

I then go in the bus to be greeted by a screaming Ana.

"Oh My Gawd!!! I saw everything!!!!" She squeaked.

"Have you heard of the word privacy much?" I asked, a little annoyed that she stalked me.

"Oh hush up honey! I know you'd do the same if it was me and Chris" she said crossing her arms and giving me a smirk.

"Whatever let's just get ready for tonight" I say and she just nods and goes to the bathroom with her makeup bag.

Ashley's POV

God damn it!! Why does Andy always get all the girls!! I mean, for the first time, I didn't want to get into Cristina's pants! I actually like her. Why can't she like me?! Why is it always Andy?! Fuck!!!

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