I Think I've Fallen Deaply In Love With Her

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Please read!!

Here's another pic of the new Ana know that in the original photo, Rachael Fae or Castro idk (girl playing Ana) has dark green hair, so let's just pretend like Ana has black.

Okay you may read now >.<


Ana's POV

A couple of days have passed, and I just have no clue where we were and how many gigs we have left of the tour.

All I know is that right now, I'm in my hotel room, alone, watching some horror movies in the dark.

I've been staying quite distant from everyone lately, especially Chris, Ricky and Mike.

Ive also been getting a lot of texts from them. Asking me if I was okay, or if I wanted to hang, or even where I was.

But I never responded.

The only times I would be social was whenever we had a show to do. Apart from that, I'd get away, fast, into a hotel room or somewhere where there was no one.

I'm not depressed or anything, I'm just motionless I guess, I would plaster a fake smile on my face when im around people but whenever I'm alone, I'm just a girl with no expression what so ever.

Suddenly I hear a light knock on my door.

"Hey uhmm.. It's me.. Cris" I got out of bed and opened the door to find a very worried Cristina.

"What's up with you? You've been ignoring everyone after and before the shows, I know that something is on your mind" she says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the bed.

When we sat down, I looked at her... again, with no expression... and just shrugged. I didn't even feel like talking.

"Ugh, is it about the boys?" She asks

And yet again, I only shrugged.

But honestly, I have no idea what was wrong with me, and why was I all quiet and stuff?

"You know what, fuck it" she grabbed my arm, pulled me to the bathroom, sat me on the toilet seat, and started to do my makeup.

I had no clue what was her idea but I didn't really care. I just sat there and let her do what she wanted.

"There's a party tonight at a club near here and you are coming with me" she says with a bigger tone while putting my foundation.

"Uuugh, fine" I said with annoyence.

"Ah, and the ghost speaks" she laughs. Making me giggle.

So for a few hours, Cris and I were getting ready and all cause the party was at 7 and it was already 6:30. So we had to hurry up.

"What are we going to wear?" I ask as I finish touching up my eyebrows.

She looked over at me and smirked, her smirk tells me that she got everything planned. Oh goody.

"C'mon I bought something for you." She then grabbed me by the arm, leaving my room and rushing into hers.

As soon as we get in, we see Andy playing video games with Cc.

"Ah, the bat has come out of her cave" he smiles, which made both Cris and I giggle a little.

"Sorry hun, we gotta get ready for the party" Cris says while running quickly to her bathroom.

After closing the door, she opens up a cabinet and pulls out a bag. Going through the bag, she pulls out a few clothes and throws some at me.

"Who keeps their clothes in a bathroom cabinet?" I ask while laughing, she just shrugs and starts to undress and putting on her outfit.

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