i love you

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DONT KILL ME!!! I'll try to update more!!

Ana's POV

I quickly ran out of the room leaving Chris behind. I honestly don't care right now. Something bad happened to Ricky...

I look around to see everyone staring outside and from the window I see blue and red lights going off.

Oh god please no...

I pushed through the crowed and ran outside to see the whole miw band were hidding the scene.

I pushed through them again to see my worst nightmare come true.

Ricky passed out with a broken leg and a bloody dripping down his skull.

This can't be true. Tears start to water my eyes.

"There was a car accident" Devin told me. I couldn't help myself but to jump in his arms, and then i slowly start to sob, trying my best so that no one would see it or hear it.

The ambulance came and took broken Ricky, placed him on the bed and took inside the vehicle.

I looked up from Devin's shoulder..
"Can I please come" I quietly ask one of the paramedics. Trying my best not to burst into tears.

He looked at me for a second and nodded.

I ran inside and sat down next to Ricky. The car then started to drive and we were headed to the hospital.

I took Ricky's hand, observing his broken body.

"God please help him. I don't want him to leave." I quietly whisper.

"I love him.." I look down and then came my burst of tears.

And right then and there, god fucking loves me cause I felt Ricky's hand tightly grabbing mine.

I look up and wipe my tears to see him slowly open his eyes.

"Oh god Ricky!!!" I get closer to him and then he finally fully opened his eyes and smiled.

"I love you too Ana"


I was now waiting in the waiting room at the hospital. The two bands plus our band were also there, stressing their lives.

All of them were discussing about the situation yet I was all alone in a corner thinking about it.

He woke up... Cause he heard me saying those tree words hes been dying to hear, literally..
Do I really love Ricky?
I think I do
But before the incedent, why the fuck was I in the room doing the nasty with Chris?
Do I love Chris?
I don't know
Maybe it was all just a crush I had before my career...
I never truly knew any of them.
I'm not saying Chris is a bad person.
I'm saying that I only feel desire from him
But with Ricky it's different.
He is the first one that asked me on a date
He does make me feel special
I did kind of see his other side when we were in the same hotel room...

I think I have my answer...

"Uhm is Ana here" I look up to see a nurse looking around the room. I raise my hand and she then tells me to follow her.

"Uh- is everything o-okay" I manage to ask, cause I legit can't talk when I'm stressed.

"Everything is perfectly fine, he only has a broken leg and a little bit of blood loss but hell recover soon. He ask if he could see you" she said.

I nodded and followed her till we stop infront of a door. The nurse opened it and there I saw Ricky pale as a ghost, wires attached all around his upper body and his foot in a cast.

When he looked at me, it seemed like he totally forgot about his broken foot or that he's in a hospital. He was smiling.

I got closer to him and sat on the edge of the bed.

"How a-are you feeling?" I tried asking without any stutter but I failed.

"Is it true?" He asked, ignoring my question "is it true what you said in the ambulance car"

I looked at him straight in his eyes. Those ocean blue eyes that I adore oh so much. We were looking at each other for a few seconds. I then quickly realize what I was doing and looked down.


"Do you what to know what exactly happened" he asked, changing the subject.

I look at him and give him a small nod.

"After Chris took you away from the dance floor, I got so frustrated that I went to the bar and took a few drinks. Then I went looking for you... I passed a door and heard moaning... It was you and Chris."

Oh my god, I can't believe this, I'm a huge slut. I never wanted him to hear it. What the fuck is wrong with me!

" I got mad so I ran off and when I was crossing the road and the light was still green... A car hit me"

Right now I'm in tears, I can't believe I made him do this.

"I don't want you to love me for pity Ana... So please tell me the honest truth, before the accident, did you love me?" He asked.

"Almost loosing you, made me realize that I truly love you. Before that i was still confused, so me being a whore wanted to try stuff to see who I wanted" and again I burst into tears. Nice job Ana ...

"You're not a whore..." He says. I look up at him. His eyes calmed me down, he slowly got up and took me in his arms.

"I love you Ricky"

"I love you too hun"

I never thought I could feel something like this for someone... I think I did the right choice.

He moves back a little from the hug, still holding me. He then wipes away one of my tears with his tumb, moving a pieace of my black hair behind my ear and slowly gets closer and closer till finaly... Our lips touch.

It wasn't something eager and full of lust, it was something soft, gentle that was passionate. Something that i never felt before. Something that I fell in love with right now.

Chris' POV

Looking at them from the window, kissing made me kind of sick...

But I can't do anything about it. I respect her.

When ghost called her, I could see it in her eyes that she truly loves Ricky. The way she reacted. The way she looked at him.

She loves him.

I don't regret the moment we had in that room, I mean I understood that she wanted to find more about me in that way.

But clearly she chose him instead...

But I won't give up, km in love with Ana. And I'll wait for her if that means I could have her in the end.

Cause I don't want to be one to become one of her ex boyfriends, I want to be her last one shell ever have.

A/N hope you guys liked this small chapter, I'll update more tmr !!

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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