I know what to do

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Ricky's POV

No, this can't be, why does this always happen to me? Why can't I have a happy ending? Why can't I have the one I love?



Do I really love Ana?

Yes, I do love her, with all my heart...

She's my everything...

I run back to my bus, ignoring my name being called out by Ana. What I saw there broke my heart, I don't know what to do anymore. Chris always gets all the girls, I mean he got Sabrina and I had a huge crush on her.

And for as long as they were together, I've been heartbroken and so quiet...

I ran into my bunk and closed the curtain. I heard the door slam open and someone yelling my name. And that's when I started to cry, I couldn't bare this any longer.

"Ricky please! Let me explain" she calls out. Next thing I know, my curtain flies open.

Ana's POV

When I opened the curtain, all I saw was a poor Ricky hiding behind his blanket with tears in his eyes. I feel so bad, i didn't know what to do. He looked so broken... All because of me...

"Ricky..." I said quietly.

"Please... Ana go away" he said between sniffles. Oh my god I feel so horrible.

So I pushed him a little and climbed in his bunk, cuddling always helps me. He then starts crying under my chin and I just hug him tighter.

"Ricky, i know it's hard, but we can still be best friends..." I tried reassuring him.

"But Ana I love you..." He whispered.

That surprised me a lot, how could he still love me after what I've done to him.

I then look down so we could be face to face.

"I'm always here with you, just not in that way... We can still be best friends. If that's okay with you" I said. He just nodded and smiled, but a sad smile.

"Want me to stay here till you fall asleep?" I asked. He nodded and cuddled closer to me.

Chris' POV

After Ana went running for Ricky, I decided to take a little walk. The cold fresh breeze hit me and I had a little shiver.

From far, I could see someone walking closer to me, it was Cristina.

"Hey have you seen Ana?" She asked.

"Uh yeah, she went to go talk to Ricky"

"Has she told you how she feels?" She asked, concerned about something.

"Yeah why?"

"Oh okay nothing then..." Then she just runs into my bus. Well that was weird.

It was getting pretty cold so I decided to go back in the bus. Getting in, I bumped into Cristina and she got really worried.

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